𝕏𝕏𝕏𝕏𝕍. ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕣𝕠𝕒𝕕

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Hi there! How's it hanging? 

I hope it's going well. 

Without no further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Han's POV*

It might not have been my most brilliant idea to stop by that gas station for food and gas on the second day of the trip. I should have remembered, it was my fault. 

-Fucking Christ, Solo, you're 18! How many enemies can you make in such little time! - Their aunt nearly shouted, getting into the driver's seat of my car. 

-I don't even know those guys! - I sat down and put in the seat belt fast, letting her get the hell away from there as the gunshots where heard. 

-They surely knew you! - Leia said, turning around in her seat to deflect the bullets with the Force as we drove away. 

-They don't need to know anyone to shoot them. It was my bad, I forgot some of these belong to gangs. -I apologized briefly, looking at the breathless Luke by my side, that got aimed at first and had to sprint to the car while deflecting bullets with the Force.-In my defence, it's been more that 9 years since I've last been here. 

-Geez, are we in the same country we were yesterday?- Luke comented ironically.

-The closer we get to the border, the higher the crime rate is. That's why Endor is such a weird destination.- I said. I lived in Endor for some years, the orphanage was there. We spoke both English and Correlian there, as it was in the border and, well... most didn't make it past 10 years old. 

-It's also the perfect place for something like Palpatine to live in. A lot of crime, a lot of victims to feed from. Siths from his rank need to feed constantly, while lower ranks can go years without feeding. They also feed on low ranked siths.- Ashoka explained, making me shivers. "Feeding" meant killing someone and devouring their soul and body alive. I couldn't possibly imagine it.-He's at least 200 years old, so he might no longer use his own soul to stay alive, he might not have one anymore...

-He has a soul specter?- Luke and Leia asked at the same time, marveled and curious. I tried to remember if Luke had ever mentioned one of those. They sounded badass though, not gonna lie.

-He does, so we gotta be careful. No one knows exatly how those work. All we know is that simply holding it can corrupt a person. - she said. Luke looked thoughtful, like pondering on that fact. He looked like he had an idea, but his attention drifted. 

He shivered from head to toe and I turned my full attention to him, worried. 

-He knows we're coming after him. He-he's counting on it. We're doing exactly what he wants us to do. - He answered my silent question, everyone in the car tensing up. This was a trap. But what else could we do, tell me? 

No one said a word to complete his information, we all knew we had to keep going, that we just couldn't leave them there. Luke slammed his eyes shut and had some other reactions that proved Palpatine was still communicating with him. I could have stopped it, helped him shield from Palpatine, but I didn't. Luke was is own person and I couldn't treat him like a baby that needed a hero all the time. Maybe he needed that talk, maybe he was making progress and gathering information. I couldn't just assume he wanted to be saved.

Even if I fully understood all of that, I couldn't simply stay there and do nothing as he grasped my hand and visibly fought back tears. I focused on rebuilding that shield, the one that could keep Palpatine away from me. 

"Do you want to repeat last time?" his voice was way more angry this time and I looked at Luke again. Poor guy was shivering and crying now, crying in relief.

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