𝕃𝕏𝕏𝕏𝕀𝕀𝕀: ℙ𝕚𝕟𝕜, 𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖, 𝕪𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨 = 𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕪, 𝕡𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕙 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕝𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕟

60 3 28

Hello there! How's it going? 

I keep saying I'm about to make stuff worse for them and all you see is fluff. 

Let's see if I'm bluffing or not, shall we? 


*Han's POV* 

Our flight was delayed some hours due to a storm, so we had way more time to kill. If fact, it'd be night at home when we arrived. 

Luke fell asleep against my shoulder after some time, holding into my arm like his life depended on that. I found it extremely cute, so I let him be, lowering the volume of the music on his earbuds. 

Even in his sleep he played with my sleeve and I was finding it super distracting, smiling sheepishly and running my fingers through his hair and gazing him lovingly. I just couldn't help myself, I loved him so very much.... 

The whole time we waited I was too busy daydreaming about Luke while caressing his hair I barely noticed both Lando and Leia texting their girls, only noticing as our flight was called. 

-Angel, wake up, we gotta go... - I gently shook Luke awake, who blinked a lot and gave me a small yawn as a response. - You can go back to sleep on the plane, but we gotta go right now. 

He nodded sleepily and held onto my arm tightly again, walking with us in a very sleepy way. It was odd, Luke always has tons of energy right after waking up. This didn't pass by lightly through the others. 

-Are you ok, Luke? - Leia was the first to express her worry, only getting him to nod and hum as an answer. - You usually wake up so fast... 

She decided to let him be. but I tried to go a bit further, not out loud but inside our heads. 

"Baby, are you sure you feel ok?" I thought as softly as I could. 

"No..." I let him continue at his pace. "I feel weak and tired and I wanna cry and I don't know why... I just wanna cuddle in your lap and feel safe again." 

I smiled in simpathy and kissed his cheek, surrounding him in my arns in a protective way. I love to walk like this, I swear, it's so wonderful to just be able to hold him at all times... 

He was awake for the entire flight home, looking out the window and grasping my hand as if it hurted him not to. I tried to share some of my energy with him, not in that deep strong bond, but just on a soothing way that that kept that weakness and crying feeling numb, as if he was asleep with eyes wide open. I did it because I knew he feared to cry in public and having to deal with pity and being seen as inferior and by temporarily numbing it out I was helping him deal with that anxiety. 

"Are you sure you don't know why you're like this?" I was simply worried, holding him as we flew. I pondered a bit, a conclusion hitting me. "When have you been taking your pills?" 

"... I haven't..." I looked at him, surprised. "I forgot them at home..."

"Thats explains it." I simply said, holding him closer to me as he nuzzled close to me like a kitten. 

It didn't take him too long on the car to fall asleep. 

*Luke's POV* 

I woke up already on my bed in the morning, confortably layed against Han. I felt numb emotionally, but my love for him was still making me feel confy. 

I felt a bit sad that I needed my meds to feel happy, even sleeping by Han's side. How could I be this picky? Han did so much for me and I always made it worse... If I simply disappeared from his life he'd be so much happier... He could find a nice girl that actually deserved him and live a normal happy life or find any other boy that didn't put his life at risk daily... 

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