𝕏𝕏𝕀𝕍. 𝕎𝕖'𝕝𝕝 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕜 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙

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Hi there! How's it hanging? 

I can promise you this will be the last heavy chapter for a while, I miss my fluff too. 

But the suspence can't be more exiting, can it? 

Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Luke's POV *

We got in the car, Han holding both my hand and Leia's. This was really unusual, having him need that much reassurance, but we're not in the position to judge him. I was scared too and... this was his little brother, not just someone. 

I could also feel myself nervous. Our dads trained us our whole life to fight a Sith in case of attack, but I wasn't sure I could actually do this now. I... I didn't want to hurt anyone. Not even if it's a monster we're talking about. 

I looked outside the window, trying to follow as the trees disappeared and new ones got into my sight, like the entire world was moving so fast and we were the only one's standing still. 

And if you're asking about our plan, let me disappoint you by saying we have nothing, but we couldn't just sit there and think, so this is going to be a real challenge. 

The car stopped and we looked outside: abandoned house in the middle of the nothing, sketchy graffitis all over the place... it made sence they were here. We got out in a hurry, making sure no one saw the 5 of us trying to get inside an abandoned house. We needed the surprise effect. 

-The door is locked. - Leia huffed. 

-I got this. - Han said, taking out of his pocket two mall tolls he used to force the door open in less than a minute. Everyone looked at him in surprise. - I know a lot of useless stuff that come in handy in times like this, let's just go. 

The interior of the house was basically empty exept for some trash, pieces of Wall and a note that read "Zhelosa kia tave Jidai neda, zinot zo sa". Sith language on it's best. It proved our theory that we were on the right building.

-The stairs upstairs are missing, the ones to the basement are still there.- Dad mentioned.

-Great, can this look a bit more like a horror movie?- I roll my eyes at Obi-Wan's sarcastic comment, knowing we all use sass and sarcasm on this family at the worst times, but still. I focused, moving pieces of wall from the stairs with the Force, testing the steps to see if they weren't going to fall underneath us. 

-This stinks like hell... ladies first? - I comment, looking at Leia, that rolls her eyes and goes in front of me. 

*Han's POV*

My heart was in my throat, beating so fast it resembled a bomb nearly exploding. They all acted like this was just daily life, but this was nothing like I had ever experienced. Fuck if they have tons of adventures on a daily basis, I never expected to break into an abandoned crackhead house to safe my brother from being taken hostage by a fucking psychopath we might need to kill! 

But hey, me? Freaking out of my mind? Nahhhh, what makes you say that? I'm so very calm! Perfectly stable, what? Why would I be freaking out? You're freaking out, I'm not freaking out!!! 

I took a deep breath and followed them, their parents behind us. I looked around, trying not to show how scared I truly was. Our steps were calculated and silent, making sure to not let anyone know we were in there. I didn't dare to look behind me, but I could see Luke trembling as much as me, Leia taking the lead with a flashlight. There were blood stains everywhere, proving Lando wasn't the first victim. I felt a shiver down my spine, thinking that maybe we wouldn't be the last. 

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