𝕏𝕏𝕀𝕏. 𝕄𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕪 ℂ𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕤(?)

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Hi there! How's it hanging? 

This could be a special Christmas chapter, but oh well. 

Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Han's POV*

I came out of the shower with a good mood, ruined by Chewie's loud barks and attempts to get into my room, something he only did when my parents fighted. I huffed and opened the door, welcoming him in and locking the door again behind him. Last thing I wanted was to leave him outside to hear that. He in fact reacted to screams and fights worse than he did at thunders and fireworks, hiding under furniture and getting away from any person that wasn't me. I pitied him, imagining where he had been before I rescued him. 

I rubbed his belly as he layed on my lap, not that he wasn't a bit too heavy for that, but I letted him still do that at times like this. 

-It's ok Chewie, it's just screams. They don't mean it. They're just mad now, it'll be over soon... - I repeated the lies I told myself when I was younger and Lando when he began to notice it too. It wasn't true, they actually meant it, it wouldn't be all over soon. They'd scream for hours, drink unto they got drunk, take it down on us and then fake plastic smiles out of the church billboards when we were all together, smiles only made to last in public and create a reputation. 

I sighed, petting my dog to try to calm him down. I always saw a bit of myself in Chewie, and I'm not talking about his fur. I'm talking about the way he came from a different life, how he had to pear to fit in this house... even his instant affection towards Luke was relatable, at least for me. Chewie was always there for me ever since we met, helping me when no one else did. Lando needed me, but I could always count on my dog to not expect shit from me. 

I was lost in my thoughts when Lando knocked. I knew it was him 'cause he knocked in a creative way and the screams were still far away. I opened the door after Chewie was done with his protests for me getting up. He had two plates on his hands, microwaved food. That was what we would have closer to a family dinner tonight, considering the state mom and dad presented in. 

-Thanks man. - I gestured him to come in as he turned around to go to his room and he gladly came in, sitting with me on the bed, Chewie settling down in front of us. 

I saw how his eyes were a bit reddish and swallowed, obviously from crying. I frowned a bit, guessing where that came from. 

-Hey, what happened? 

He took a bit to awser, always held back on saying how he truly felt. I couldn't blame him. 

-... I just don't like it when they start screaming at eachother... I hate to see them fighting... But the worse part... I hate to be thankful and glad they are screaming at each other and not at me... 

He cried again and I held him, not saying a word. God, I knew that feeling as well as him. It was horrible to be glad they were fighting against each other and not us. It made us feel selfish and narcissistic but, on the other hand, we had no choice on this. We grew up afraid of them. When they fighted alone, when we were out of it, we didn't get bruises, cuts and broken bones. They never hit each other when they fought, but they hit us when the fight was against us. Yet nothing I could say could possibly sooth Lando. Nothing I could say could make him feel better. Because whatever I said would be hipocritic, I wouldn't belive in it myself. He knew that, that's why the silence didn't felt uncomfortable. 

Noticing how sad he was, I had to cheer him up. I turned on the TV, snapping Lando out of his thoughts. 

-What do you say about we make this a movie night? - I smiled, trying to lighten the mood. 

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