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Hi guys! How's it hanging? 

I hope you can forgive me when you're done with this chapter. 


Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Han's POV*

It was heaven indeed, laying there with his, talking about random subjects. Anything he had on his mind truly fascinated me, like the whole color talk. He could simply talk for hours about his day or telling me all of his dreams, I'd listen to it gladly. 

-Imagine we're stuck at school for the night because of an emergency and can't contact the outside world, just our class. Who'd you give each task and why? - He said out of the blue, just a random question. 

-I don't really know... - I thought about it for a bit. He had this random exercises that truly made you think.- Leia would be leading the group, for sure, instantly. Maybe I'd get myself in charge if the food, Biggs and Wedge caring for the supplies, you calming people down and making sure everyone was ok, maybe Shara attempting to cominicate with the outside world... Where this came from? 

-I don't know. I usually think about survival situations, what I'd do in them. I mean, due to my usual life situations, I wouldn't really be surprised to have that situation happening by now. 

I chuckled, but with no humor on it. He truly is in near death experiences on a daily basis, constantly fearing for his life and the one's he cares about. I held him closer, wanting to feel him close, to take in the moment, for as it could be the last in a long time. I never know these things nowadays. Yet it truly makes you value things more, to think each moment is the last. 

But there is no enemy now, right? We're all healthy, the most powerful threat we've met yet is dead, no trips that will separate us soon... we're good. At least I hoped we were. 

We spent some time silently holding hands, looking at the clouds above us, some bits of sky peeking through the white and grey mist. It wasn't the prettiest day, but his hand in mine made the clowdiest days pretty. I could never see a day with clear skies for as long as Luke was by my side. Then we went to the food truck near the park, getting ourselves sandwiches for lunch, eating quickly. 

Luke fidgeted with my fingers for a bit, layed on his back, gazing the sky, while I layed on my side, gazing him. 

-You're beautiful. - I said, completely randomly. 

-T-Thank you... 

-I mean it, you know? I feel like words like pretty and handsome refer to one's body, but you are absolutely beautiful, all of you.

He blushed harder, smiling. I smiled too, so very happy to see him smile. 

-Can I test a theory? - I said, a misterious tone in my voice. 

-I don't know, can you?- he teased. 

-Turn to me and close your eyes. - I whispered in his ear, making him blush, but he did turn to me. 

I gazed his face, melting like I've done so many times before. We were both layed down on our side, turned to each other. I kissed and whispered again, looking at his eyes. 

-Open them. 

When he did, I could see it clearly. They say your pupils expand when you look at something you love and, based on the feelings we share, I suspected the same would happen to his sapphire eyes, that I just had never had the time to notice. I also got to see how blushed he was like in the very beginning, when I teased in class so much he just looked like a flustered mess. 

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