𝕃𝕏𝕏: 𝔹𝕖𝕘

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Hello there! How's it hanging? 

I'd the peace over for our lovers or not yet? Guess you'll have to read to figure it out! 

Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Han's POV*

I woke up from a nightmare I couldn't remember, panting hard. I soon came back to my senses, leaning back down again. I only realize I had pushed Luke away from me in my sleep when he nuzzled over again taking hold of me in a soothing way. 

I turned on my side so I didn't had to wake him up but I could see his precious face, melting. There would always be something about the angelic way he looks when sound asleep that would make me want to nest around him and be his safe place forever. 

The sleepyness my my eyes flutter close a bit, but I didn't want to go back asleep I feared seeing again whatever had scared me so badly before. 

I saw Leia enter the room on her tip toes and get a bag, ready to go out again. 

-Where are you going? - I whispered out, just loud enough for her to hear, she doesn't have the habit to wake up early much less to leave. 

-Date! I gotta go now, see ya soon! 

-You're sneaking out? 

-It's not that early, Han, my parents already left for work and gave me an ok. Bye! 

-Bye then. 

I didn't got up after she left, I let myself be Luke's personal stuffed animal without a complaint. 

In some minutes though, I felt him trembling and holding tighter, whimpering in his sleep. He looked haunted, whispering stuff like "no" and "please stop" and others of the kind. 

-It's ok, baby boy, it's ok, it's just a bad dream.... - I rubbed his back, trying to soothe him in his sleep. It had no effect, he was getting more worked up over time and his salty warm years angaist my shoulder weren't nice at all. 

I shook him a little, hoping I could wake him up. It took longer than I hoped for. but he eventually woke up, confused and scared. I held him through that first sock state, still holding him in my arms as he relaxed and broke down into tears. 

-It's ok, my prince, let it out.... it's all ok, it was just a bad dream, you're safe now... I got you... 

He let out a small "thank you", that he repeated over an over again and he started sobbing harder, holding me tighter. I had nothing against that embrace, but these were not good signs. 

-Wanna tell me what happened angel? - I softly tried to ask, not wanting to overwhelm him. 

-You... it's was so stupid, Han, I know it won't ever happen.. 

-That never prevented nightmares, did it? It's okay, you're safe here, you can tell me, I won't judge. - I never got him away from me as I spoke, his head against my chest. I could never get over how he searched for my heartbeat anytime he was distressed like this. 

-I...  we were at our house and I'm not... I think I broke something or did something you didn't liked, you said I had behaved badly or some crap like that...You hit me, using different stuff to do so. I... I screamed at you to stop, but it wouldn't stop... it hurted... I... I had to say out loud you loved me to stop you from picking a knife.... it was all so scary...But I know you'd never ever hurt me like that, you couldn't. But it was still frightening.... 

That shit broke my heart. He was right, I would never ever in my entire life raise a single finger to harm him. Not even when Qui'Ra cheated I threatened of violence, I never even did so much as a slap. I could never do so to my dear precious Luke, I... I had nightmares over the same shit, worrying because of the environment I lived in, but I would never do the same to anyone, specially not to him. 

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