𝕏𝕏𝕏𝕍𝕀. 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕖𝕖𝕜

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Hi guys! How's it hanging? 

Who's this so mysterious Palpatine? What does he want from Luke? 

Guess you'll have to read to know! 

Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Han's POV*

That name sounded like it should ring a bell, but it didn't. The was they reacted to it was was what truly scared me. 

-Palpatine? Who's Palpatine? 

Anakin left the room. If I didn't knew better, I'd say I saw tears in his eyes. All I could assuma was that this was a sensitive topic, the twins react the same way to that kind of situations. Obi-Wan sighed and looked back at me. 

-Listen... You know the Sith you've faced? - I nooded. - Compared to this guy, he's as much of a threat as baby throwing a tantrum. 

That was a scary thought. If the other did so much damage to Lando, I just couldn't imagine how dangerous this guy was. I was about to ask for more information, but he was already planning to give it to me. 

-Palpatine is one of the most powerful Sith lords ever to exist. He... he used to be after Anakin, trying to turn him to the Dark side. For the effect, he used the same things he's now trying on Luke. We managed to beat him back then but he's back, stronger than ever I assume, else he'd wait. We have to get rid of him, for good now.

-How does he do that?- I was getting really nervous over this.

-This explains now the headaches he had been feeling recently... He tries to show them first how their body doesn't belong to them, invading it like it happened already. If it all works well, we'll be able to stop him before phase 2 starts. - I shivered. Luke had been assaulted before, but I can't even imagine how it must have felt to be unable to see what's hurting you, what your enemy is, where it's coming from. That's what terrified him so much.

-Luke is strong. I... I know there is some kind of anger in him, but he's the purest person I know, a supernova of power he doesn't even recognize as being himself. He'll never be succeeded. - I stayed, more like a question than a declarative sentence, but he shook his head. 

-He managed to turn Anakin before Padmé saved him... everyone breaks, it just takes longer to break some. I know how strong Luke is, but Palpatine takes and takes from someone until there is nothing left but anger and hate. I fear for the kid's future. 

I gluped. Anakin had his problems, but if there was one thing he was was determinate and strong, believing of his morals... If he broke, there was a chance Luke broke too. I shivered from the thought. I'd rather be burned alive than Luke having that faith. 

-There has to be something we can do... 

-There is something, but you can't do it. You can't do anything. We can't ask you or him to try to fight Palpatine, you're too young, still Padawans. We'll take care of him but, until we do, we... I need you to be strong, to help Luke though this. He can't know about Palpatine, but he's going to need your support through this. The feeling of being alone is what shatters Palpatine's targets, is what drawns the hope from them. You have to promice me you won't leave him alone to his demons. 

-I never did and I never will. But how can I help him when he's being attacked like that? - I wanted to help the best I could, but he was right. I was just a Padawan still and I was weak, way to weak to fight. But I could try to do my best, helping Luke instead of fighting. 

It wasn't a long explanation, but he tried to teach me how to do it practically instead of just teorically, noticing how nervous I was. 

-If you don't mind me asking... What happened to you Han? - I was a bit confused until he spoke again. - There's dry blood in the corner of your mouth, your lips are swallowed and it obviously aches you to move. What happened? 

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