𝕏𝕀. 𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕖

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Hi guys! 

Are you ready for some action? 

You do remember where we stopped, right? Well, here we go! I hope you like this one! 

Without any further ado, let's just dive right into it. 


*Luke's POV *

"I have a bad feeling about this" is probably the worst thing you can say on a horror movie unless you have a death wish, other than "I'll be right back" of course. My fear made me not say it out loud, but Han knew it, I could feel he felt it too when he held my hand, thightly and reassuringly. I was just not sure which of us needed that reassuring, me or him. Either way, it felt good. 

Leia was completely oblivious to this, and I wanted to keep it that way.  Leia didn't have to suffer in antecipationas well. She'd be safer in ignorance, at least for now. I know this sounds like I'm degrading her to a "damsel in distress" when she'd probably save our asses in a situation of need, but she's still my sister. I don't want her to be scared without need. 

I felt that, as we walked through the stores, Han was different. Different that when we met. Don't get me wrong, he changed ever since I've first... I've first kissed him, but now it was more obvious than ever. I could feel it in the Force as much as I could see it in his face. He looked more sencitive, less cocky, his mind more grounded... he also seemed happier than usual, which made me smile. 

But on the car on our way back, it all changed. 

We were, like any other normal day, carpool karaoking to "Bohemian Rapsody" by Queen, because you can't listen to it and not sing along, when a crying kid appeared out of the nothing in the middle of the road, Han fully turning the steering wheel in a desperate attempt not to run them over. The kid was safe now, but we had lost the control of the car, screaming in despeer and fear. 

-We're going to crash!! Hold thigh! - Han screamed, trying his best not to show his panic, failing completely. Our hands searched for eachother, thightly intertwining without us even noticing. 

We fell of the hill next to the damm woods, the car rolling violently as we screamed, both in panic, fear and pain.Our bodies were violently tossed around, hitting everything. I feared it was our end right there. You'd expect the airbags to be faster to open, but we could only count on them halfway through the fall. When the car finally stopped rolling, it had landed upside down, the windows that weren't broken already breaking as the car lowered a bit. 

-Han? Leia? A-are you ok? - I was deeply worried, not able to turn my head to see if they were alright. I fought against the seat belt, a bit stuck. 

-Luke... Luke I'm fine dear... Leia? Leia? - Han awsered, groaning in pain, calling out her name in worry. 

-Leia? Sister please, awser... - I did my best to turn around, seeing Leia hanging on her seat, unconscious, bleeding a lot. She did not seemed like she had any paralyzing injury or deathly one, but it was still frightening. - Holy shit, fuck fuck fuck.... 

A lot of smoke came out of the motor, threatening to caugh on fire. 

-We need to get out of here... can you get out? - Han asked, unbucleing his belt and placing his hands over his head, so the fall would hurt less. 

I tried to do the same, hitting my head anyways, but I wasn't stuck or anything, I was more worried about my sister. 

-I can... we need to get Leia! 

-You go one way, I'll go around to release her if she's stuck. Quick, before this explodes on us!

I opened the door as fast as I could, which was not much as I was also injured. My head hurted like hell and I could barely move my left arm. I think I may have snapped it out of place. I had no time to think about me though, I had to help her. I didn't have to open her door, it had fallen out. I put my good arm under her, so she'd fall safely, and unbucle her seatbelt, hissing at the pain in my arm. Her right leg was stuck under the driver's seat, probably broken. Han began to pull the seat, carefully removing her leg from under the seat, the smoke making us both cough. We didn't have much time. He finally released her and I did my best to pull her out of the car, doing all the work with just one arm, dragging her away from all danger. 

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