𝕃𝕏. 𝔸 𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕒𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕟𝕠𝕠𝕟

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Hello there! How's it going? 

Please read this till the end, there's an important disclaimer in the end! 

Without no further ado, let's just dive right into it! 


*Han's POV* 

Luke didn't take half the time he usually does getting ready, coming downstairs with a "Cavetown" shirt, navy blue checked pants, black high platform Vans and black belt. He looked really amazing with those clothes on and those really showed his mood today in a stylish way, like his glittery black nails that he had painted last night. 

I, for one, didn't changed clothes. I think I was presentable enough with a red flannel, jeans and red converse, right?  It's not like we had gotten dressed before, Luke's choice of clothing earlier had just been what he thought he'd feel more confortable in and now he wanted some more style into it. 

-How do I look? - He asked, smiling a bit. I pulled him closed and kissed him passionately, a kiss he corresponded. 

-You look gorgeous, kid. So. very. beautiful. - I praised, kissing him in between of my words. 

We spent some more time like this, lips together, not so rushed to leave anymore. It wasn't a desperate kiss like earlier, nor was it rough, like nothing in our relationship was, it was safe and a loving and tender. 

-All ready to go? 

-Yeah. Lead the way. 

I took his hand in mine and picked my car keys, closing the door. 

I'm way less nervous about driving now. After all we've been through after that car crash, it's just a very distant memories and the guilt is still there, but it sank under much other feelings. As usual, he cupped my hand as I drove, following it as I had to use other levers ordo something else. It's our little thing, I hope it doesn't get lost with time... it would be a shame to loose such cute moments.

As we arrived, the guys were already inside. Like in US movies the girls gather together to see the guys' football game, here all the guys get together to see the girls' Roller Derbie game, specially games for the championship like this one. We do this since the team was formed. We'd have lunch together, see the game and then spend the afternoon with the girls. It's awesome. 

-Han, Luke! You guys actually made it!- Wedge greeted, the whole table turning to us. 

-Yea, we wouldn't miss the game, right kid? 

-If my sister is getting tackled, I have to see that. - He joked, but I could tell her safety was causing him some anxiety. 

-Don't worry, Leia will be just fine! We saw the trainings, she's amazing at this. - Bigg said, as happy as he was bragging about himself. - She's already on the team, her nickname is "General Skywalker". 

That last part had Luke laughing out loud uncontrollably, like hewas being tickled. It confused the hell out of us. 

-Sorry, sorry... It's just that my Dad's been in the military and everytime we hear "General Skywalker" on the streats, we know it's one of the many many people he pissed off during those years. - he explained as he finally re-learned how to breath. 

-How many of those can it be? - Sam, the quiet guy from the back row that barely speaks asked. This time I laughed with Luke. 

-A lot of 'em, trust me, yall have no idea. There is this entire mixed genders platoon that simply HATES him because he dared them all for a duel, weapon of his choice. The day arrives and it was a dance face off and, well, the price was a date with my mom. If you can't tell how it turned out just from the fact me and Leia exist, I don't know how to break it to you. 

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