32:Guess Who's Back!

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"How are you this evening, UA High School?" The lizard villain asked. He was wearing a stain costume and a large object on his back was covered by a tarp. "We are part of the Vanguard Action Squad of the Leauge of Villains."

"The Leauge of Villains. What are those guys doing here?" Ojiro asked.

"I could crush this kitty's head so easily. How about it, dears, should I?" The man with sunglasses and red hair questioned. He was the one holding the cement block against Pixies head.

"You get away from her!" Tiger shouted at the villain.

"Now, now. Hold on, Big Sis Mag. You too Tigre calm down." The lizard villain said. "When deciding if someone should live or die, we must be careful that we're abiding by Stain's principles."

"Stain?" Midoriya gasped.

"So you're the ones he ended up inspiring." Iida said

"At your service. That's us. And you, four eyes I believe you encountered Stain in Hosu City." The lizard had his index finger pointed at Iida then moved it to point at Rin. "And you with the half shaved head. You're the one who brought down Stain. I apologize for the late introduction." He reached for the covered weapon and held it forward. The weapon uncovered to reveal it was a bunch of knives and swards kept together. "Call me, Spinner. I'm here to make Stain's dreams a reality."

"I don't care who you are. You're criminals!" Tiger exclaimed. "The woman laying there is named Pixie-Bob. She's a pro hero who's saved countless lives. She's giving her all for these young heroes, pushing them to reach their full potential. She's looking for a mate, but otherwise she's content. What gives you the right to cut such a happy life short?"

Not really the best time for a monologue dude.

"Didn't anyone tell you it's not a heroes job to be happy!?" The villain now knows as Spinner exclaimed.

"Tiger! I've talked to everyone. Trust the safety of the other students to Ragdoll. You and I will stay here. Well hold them back! You return to camp!" Mandalay instructed. "Class Rep, you're in charge on the way there! Don't engage anyone!"

"Alright. Let's go!" Iida replied and the other students started running while Rin stayed in her spot.

"Mandalay. I know where Kota is." The brunette's eyes widened. "I have to go and make sure he's okay." The brunette hesitated before nodding and Rin started running towards the cliff where Kota always was. While running she shouted back towards her classmates. "Go on without m-"She didn't get to finish before she saw the green haired boy running with her.

"You're not doing this without me. Who knows how many villains are out there." Midoriya smiled at the girl and she returned it before her legs were engulfed in black ink and she started running faster.

"Then let's see if you can keep up!" She shouted and he was surrounded in light blue lightning, quickly catching up to her.


Rin quickly made her way up the mountain with Midoriya not far behind. She saw a cloaked man about to punch Kota and the boy had tears peaking out the corners of his eyes.

"Papa, Mama." The kid said and Rin shoved Kota out of the way. Causing the blonde to punch the ground. The dual haired girl rolled a little with the kid still in her arms. She stood up and Kota wrapped his arms around her torso Midoriya joined and stood to the right of Kota. "M-Mom." The kid whispered.

"You two, I recognize. You were on the list." The villains said. Rin finally got a good look at the mans face, the skin and his left eye were missing, his eye was robotic instead.

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