40: Moving Into Dorms

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Rin had her music in her ears and was walking to the brand new school dorms. Heights Alliance, built in three days and a separate dormitory for every class.

Even with the music in the dual haired girls ears, she could hear Uraraka talking to Midoriya. You know super hearing and all that.

"Where's Rin, the rescue mission was a success right?"

Rin took that as an unannounced cue to walk around the corner and stop right next to them. No one noticed and Uraraka and Midoriya only noticed when she stoped next to them.

"I'm here." Was all Rin had to say before Uraraka had tears welling up in her eyes.

"Rin!" The brown haired girl shouted and leaped into the taller girls arms, wrapping hers around the dual haired girls neck. Rin started stumbling back but caught herself along with Uraraka. The shorter girls actions caused Rin to giggle and with that, everyone had their eyes on her.

"Rin!?!" Most everyone shouted and Rin felt a lot more hugs around her, along with more tears making their way onto her uniform. While Rin gave small, one armed hugs to the others, Uraraka finally noticed where she was. And uhh, Let's just say...she had two watermelons on either side of her chest.

Urataka blushed heavily and leaped out of the dual haired girls arms, causing the others to pull away from their hugs. Rin could finally get a good look at who was hugging her and saw Momo, Iida, Tsu, Jiro, Kirishima, Sero, Mina, Kaminari, Hagakure-sorta, and Koda.

If you're wondering, why is Koda there wouldn't he just be one of the people who would appreciate she's here from a distance? Well to answer your question, after the shy boy helped her with her stage fright at the UA Sports Festival, they've been texting a lot. They just don't talk in school because for Koda, it's easier to talk over text rather than face to face.

Hug the red haired kid again. I like him.

Hug no one again. I like that.

Rin sighed and looked towards the other students who were glad she was okay from afar. She noticed that Todoroki was looking anywhere except where she was. Even thought he was part of the team that saved her. He felt ashamed that while saving Bakugo from the villain attack, he forgot about her.

To distract both teens from their thoughts Aizawa finally spoke up to the class.

"Given everything that has happened, I'm glad we were able to bring Class A back together."

"So, we all got the go ahead to move on campus." Sero said to the group with excitement.

"It took a lot of convincing for my parents." Hagakure sighed.

"I was pretty concerned for mine." Jiro said while scratching her chin with a single finger.

"It makes sense. You got the worst of the gas's attack." Ojiro said to the two girls. Rin was standing in the back staying out of the conversation. Also cause she's one of the tall students now.

"We're glad to see the teachers got to come back too. I was afraid you wouldn't be allowed. The people at the press conference seemed pretty upset with you guys." Tsu said towards Mr. Aizawa.

"Yeah." Uraraka agreed.

"I was surprised as well." Aizawa admitted. "But circumstances have changed. Now, then. I'll explain how your dorm assignments will work shortly. First however, we haven't forgotten about the provisional hero licenses."

"Oh yeah, you said we were supposed to get that during the training camp, right?" Rin asked.

"Correct." Aizawa confirmed.

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