Chapter 53

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"How many times do I have to say this? No gold!" I yell at the people who have brought golden chairs in the viewing for the wedding.

"Sorry, miss. We will fix that." Gustav says as he runs to the people bringing in the chairs.

"Well, looks like some people are going to cry by the end of the night." Hannah says as she stands beside me, Katherine on her hip. She has a pacifier in her mouth and is also playing with a toy wrapped around Hannah's hair.

"They will if they keep bringing in the chairs that I don't want." She sighs.

"Good luck." She walks away and I go to the people with the chairs to yell but Caleb walks in front of me. I look up at him.

"May I help you?" I ask. He smirks and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I must say, watching you yell at them for doing the wrong thing kind of turns me on. How about we give them a little break so I can fuck you in the back?" A vibration washed through me. I want him to but this won't do itself. I want everything to be perfect.

"No. We fucked twice this morning and may I remind you how terribly wrong it turned out?"

First when we woke up we were getting it on and like before, years ago, Hannah caught us. We had no clue she had a key for our apartment but she caught us in the moment. The second time was in the shower and I slipped. I fucking slipped. I was so embarrassed I didn't want to continue.

"This time will be different. No one will interrupt us and you won't trip." I glare at him.

"No. I have to finish this." He sighs and let's it go.

"Fine, but don't plan on sleeping tonight." He kisses my lips before he leaves. I take this time to finally go over to the group of people to tell them to bring in the chairs I asked for.

I play with my lip ring as I await for Gustav to come in the room and show me the chairs he just came up with.

"Now luv, these chairs are new and I have made them not long ago." Gustav says as he comes in the room. "Please bring them in." Four people come in with two different chairs. One has dark wood with white cushions. The other is light wood with white cushions.

Not going to lie, they're pretty. Maybe we can have one during the ceremony and the other's for the party.

"Is this what you only have?" I ask him. He shakes his head rather fast. Should I take it easy on him? I feel like I'm being a little rude. But then again, I'm getting married and I want to have everything right.

"Yes miss, but I can make something else for you?" He asks.

"No, Gustav. This is perfect." I smile. I swear I saw him sigh in relief. "I'll take both." He nods. He takes everyone out of the room and I stand from the chair.

Later on when I have the chairs and tables picked up, I head home.

"How was it?" Caleb asks once I go into our bedroom and lie down on the bed. I groan and wave my hand in the air. "He wasn't too much trouble was he?"

"No, Caleb. He was nice but really nervous." He chuckles.

"Well that's how it's like when a mafia boss hires someone to do shit for them." I mentally roll my eyes since my face was pressed down on the mattress.

I am tired and I don't want to arrange more wedding stuff tomorrow. Maybe I can send Caleb so I can stay here and watch movies. Would he do that for me?

"Caleb, are you free tomorrow?" I ask as I lean up on my elbows. My arm got better but the scar looks nasty. I've always hated scars, but when you fight practically all the time you're going to get them sooner or later.

"I have business to take care of in the morning. But I'm free in the afternoon." I smirk.

"It's your turn to take care of the decorations." He furrows his eyebrows and looks me straight in the eye.

"Babe, I don't have any good skills on decorating." I shrug.

"I did my half. You barely helped me out there with Gustav. I think that's better if you do the other half." He sighs and bows his head.

"Or we can do it together?" He suggests. I get up on my knees and sigh. Being in here and watching movies wasn't a good idea either way. I had to help out.

"Fine." I sigh and crawl over to my side of the bed. I get under the covers and take off my clothes underneath the blankets. I grab the book from my nightstand and continue reading that chapter.

After a while when I read chapter forty-five, Caleb decided to interrupt me. I look over at him, clearly annoyed that he interrupted me from this chapter.

"What's happening in that chapter?" Caleb asks as he grabs the book from my hands and scans the chapter.

"It's Christmas for them." He chuckles. He scans the page again before reading it out loud.

"Hardin." Tessa's voice is soft. I groan and pull my arm from under her weight.
I grab the pillow and cover my face with it. "Not getting up yet."
"We slept late and we have to get ready."

He continues reading and all I could think about how Tessa and Hardin's relationship was so toxic and complicated. They annoyed me both but when I continued to read their story I fell deeply in love.

I always compared myself to Hardin. I was just like him growing up. Now I may still be a bitch, but I have changed. I miss being the bitch everyone is afraid of. Hell I even miss bickering back and forth with my mom about things that weren't important. But once Caleb and I got together, things changed. For me.

I'm jealous that Hardin and Tessa don't have to worry about some crazy mafia getting out to kill you. I've always wanted someone like Tessa. Of course a damn guy. At the beginning I thought I would end up with Kayden. I had high hopes for us, and I really liked him. He was a good guy. And I hated when someone tried "fixing" someone else.

But even though I didn't end up with the good guy, I still have someone good. Someone who has shown me other parts of themselves.

And I am getting married to him.

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