chapter 64

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Three songs and a drink with vodka and strawberry mix later, I feel buzzed but not to the extreme that I can't walk straight. Caleb is talking to some guys at the bar so I decided to go join them.

Caleb sees me walking towards them and he smiles. "Guys, this is my wife, Haizly Scott." He says as he extends his hand for me to walk on the step.

"Hi," i say as i wave.

"Hello, Mrs. Scott. Care for a drink?" A guy that looks older than Caleb asks me.

"No thanks, I've had a drink not that long ago." I shake the ice in the cup that had one of my favorite mixes. He nods. There are two other guys sitting next to that guy who were also talking to Caleb. I sat on the chair and asked the bartender for a water and a shot of vodka.

After downing the shot and drinking the water, I went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to fix my makeup and hair, it was pretty cold in here which is what i need. It is so hot out there.

"Hey, your Caleb Scott's wife, right?" A girl asks from behind me. I turn around to face her. She has brown curly hair, thick eyebrows with pink lipstick, she's also dark skinned.

"Uh, yeah. Who's asking?" I asked.

"I'm Cecilia. I was friends with Crystal, his cousin. Have you met her?" She asks. My eyes widen.

"Crystal?" I ask and she nods. "Yeah, I've met her." She sighs and crosses her arms over her chest.

"I literally hate her now. No offense." She says, not sounding the least bit sorry. I shrug.

"I don't care. I don't like her either." Then an idea popped up. "You haven't seen her recently, have you?" I ask, standing straight from the sink.

"Not since she moved to London. I mean, I heard what she did to Caleb, that was messed up." I nod.

I know we dropped Crystal's case a while ago, but I want that bitch rotting in the cell at Caleb's building.

"I think we can work together if your up for some revenge on that bitch." A smile spreads on her face.

"Wait, I'll get to work with you and Caleb? Hell yeah." I nod, an awkward smile on my face. I give her my number and I walk out of the bathroom to go back to Caleb. He was drinking another drink, it looks like apple juice, maybe whiskey?

I put my hand on Caleb's shoulder and I catch him by surprise. He turns around and sees me, grabbing my hand and making me go next to him instead of behind him. He keeps my hand in his hold, so I sit on the stool next to him, pulling out my phone and going through social media. I only have instagram.

I only follow a couple of people, but their content is not that good. Instead I decided to go through Crystal's page. She has pictures of herself showing off her boobs, she's in bikinis, and there's even a video of her twerking to the camera. The comments are saying how hot she looks and how amazing she'd look in front of them, to which she replied with winky faces.

I roll my eyes and turn off my phone.

When Caleb and I got to the hotel, I went to the room since I was exhausted. Caleb talked to those guys the entire time and I didn't even bother joining the conversation. They talked about business, Caleb told them he owned a company for couches, and they also owned their own companies. They asked if they could come by and see them but Caleb told them it was all the way in Australia.

Lying is our number one choice everywhere.

"Haiz, you could've joined in that conversation. Maybe then you wouldn't be so bored." Caleb says from the other room. I groan and turn to my side to get comfortable.

"I would've but it was all about business. No thanks." I replied which I heard Caleb chuckle lightly. He walks in the room without a shirt on. I stare at his perfectly tones body, feeling my heart beat go fast all of a sudden.

After all these years being with Caleb, he still manages to make me lose my breath with so simple things he does. Like now, he is looking at himself in the mirror and fixing his hair, but he's just running his hands through his hair, just making it look messy.

"I can feel you staring." He says. I widen my eyes and I can feel my cheeks and ears heat.

"Oh shush, I know you like me staring." I reply as I throw the pillow on his back. He turns around, looks at me then bends down to grab it. He has the pillow in his hand and he stares at it for a while before walking over to me.

"Do that again, baby, and your face will be the only thing against this pillow as I fu-,"

"Caleb!" I shriek. "Stop," he looks at me.

"Like you weren't thinking it. When you saw my body when I walked in. Don't think I didn't notice." I roll my eyes and sit up.

"I wasn't staring, I was just . . . noticing how hairy your chest it." He frowns and looks down at his chest.

"Excuse you? I don't have that much hair on my chest." He is still looking at his chest, a frown on his face.

"I was just kidding. You caught me, I was staring." He scoffs with a roll of his eyes.

"God, you're obsessed with me."

"Hey, you stole that from Vampire Diaries!" I exposed him with my pointer finger pointing at him. He looks at my finger and bites the tip of it making me move my hand back to slap his arm.

"Ow." I say.

"You've been making me watch that show for the past three days. We're already on season four! So excuse me for getting some of their creativity." I roll my eyes and crawl over to him. I sit next to him and peck him on the lips.

"Watch three more episodes with me and I'll give you a surprise." He pecks my lips.

"Okay." He smiles and grabs the remote.

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