chapter 90

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Songs for this chapter;

Iris- Goo Goo Dolls

Take On The World- You Me At Six


"Are you stupid? You knew there were detectives checking up on you and you still did this?" Valentino says to me in anger. He was ready to jump out of his seat and tackle me to the floor, but he stopped himself when he saw the guard getting closer to us.

"I know. But it wasn't all on me. I couldn't just stand back and let everyone else die, I had to do this. Crystal had to be taken down." I press my finger on the table as I said the words. I am still so fucking angry that that bitch escaped and didn't fight. I would've killed her for sure.

"And then? Did you kill her?" I sighed.

"No. She didn't even show." Valentino rubs his eyes and sighs.

"I'll look for her. I won't be sure that I'll kill her, considering she's my niece. But I'll have a talk with her dad." I shake my head.

"Kill that bitch." I grit my teeth.

"I don't know if I can. But I will find her and of course think of something that will get her scared." I nodded and stared at the table.

"Have you been to the house? Have you checked up on Haizly?" I ask at last.

"I haven't been to the house in a while, I've been busy with work. But I did hear some news of Haizly from Karmen." I frowned.

"Is it good news? What happened?" I asked, feeling my heart race for the fear that something bad happened to Haizly.

"What? You haven't heard from Haizly?" Valentino smiles.

"Well what is it?" I asked.

"I'd rather her tell you than me. But don't worry, it's good news." I frowned. I wonder what it is. He's smiling so that should be good, right? It better be or I will tumble these prison walls down to get to her. Anything to see and know she's safe.

"Scott!" I hear one of the guards say. I stood up from the table and over to him. "You have a visitor." He says then turns me around to put the cuffs in my hands. "You're a famous guy today, aren't ya." He says cheekily which makes me roll my eyes in annoyance. He's the most annoying guard here, not even Reyez can compare.

We go into the visiting room and I see a blonde girl sitting on the table, her back to us. I smiled then walked over to her once my cuffs were off.

"Haiz." I say. She smiles, but one that doesn't reach her eyes.

"Caleb." I frowned.

"Are you okay, baby? Did something happen? What is it?" I ask in a rush. I don't think I could survive being in here knowing that something bad happened to Haizly.

"Nothing's wrong, Caleb. Everything's fine." I nod.

"So then? What's up?" I ask, eager to know what the hell happened that's making her look like this. Pouty and pale.

"I went to the doctor's yesterday." She says with a small nervous smile. I waited patiently- or tried to- for her to finish what she's trying to say. Her hands play with the sleeve of her shirt.

"Baby." I whisper to her softly, trying to get her to continue. "Do you have something? A bad condition? Is it serious?" I ask. She shakes her head no so I sighed and waited.

"I don't know how I'd do all of this without you, Caleb. Two years you'll be in here and I have to do this all by myself. I don't know how to handle this, I don't know what to do." Her eyes brim with tears so I reach for her hand. I ignore the guards telling me to separate.

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