chapter 85

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"Okay, first, we have to look up London. That's the last place she told me she was at." Cecilia told William. He typed it in with the name Crystal in it then a bunch of results came up.

"Where's her dad, anyway?" I asked. As I recall he's a mafia boss as well.

"He is in Brazil at the moment." Cecilia said. "Crystal doesn't follow him much, it's only when she's in trouble." I nodded.

"Stupid manipulative cunt." I mutter under my breath. Kayden chuckles while Cecilia smirks. "If we find her, do we send men over to get her?" I asked Cecilia but William answered.

"We don't send them, there are men over in London who teams up with Caleb from another gang. We ask for them to capture her and get her here, since Caleb and their boss made a deal." I nodded. Suddenly I feel much more relieved and kinda horny just thinking about Caleb sitting down in a chair talking about business.

I know he fucked me not that long ago, but one fuck isn't going to satisfy me enough when he keeps looking like a God.

"Alright then," I say.

"Does Caleb know you're doing this?" William asks.

"He doesn't, but he doesn't need to know." William looks at me over his shoulder.

"He will kill me if he finds out I'm doing this without him knowing." I smirked.

"He has his secrets in the mob that he hasn't told me. I know you know things I don't know, so it's fair. We can both do this equally, so you don't need to tell him and he doesn't need to know." I smirked at him, to which he just nodded then went back to the computer.

"That was clean." Kayden tell me. I smiled at him.

"Thanks." We continued on working. We searched for recent locations Crystal was spotted, the places she has made deals with. We're not the only people after her, though. Turns our she has been in trouble with the law in London already. She's been there for a couple months and she's already in trouble?

"What will you do when she's here?" Kayden asks.

"The obvious thing, kill her." Kayden's eyes go wide. I chuckled. "I'm joking. I'll torture her at first, keep her in the basement, then send her off to jail for some things she didn't do."

Kayden doesn't say anything else, so he just nods then walks over to the table where we keep the map. The red colors are for where she has been to, the blue colors are for where she is most wanted, the green color is for the places people have seen her the most in. We're thinking on adding another color since this girl clearly has no boundaries.

Cecilia's phone rings which startles me. "Sorry, it's my mom." She swipes on the phone then walks out of the basement and up the stairs. I sighed and looked at William.

"William, do you think you can hack into Cecilia's phone? You know, just to be clear?" I whisper to him to make sure Cecilia won't hear. He nods.

"I can. I can hack into anything." He says and I nod. He types in some things, uses Cecilia's name, goes on her phone company and from there gather's her info. I smile when I see her home wallpaper on her phone. She won't know William is doing this unless she's logged into our wifi.

William goes into her phone messages and sees some shocking things. I frowned as I read through them, it's a conversation between her and Crystal.

From Crystal: are you in?

To Crystal: yes, i'm supposed to be helping her track you.

From Crystal: you gave her the info I gave you, right?

To Crystal: yes, i am using that. they also think that you're most wanted there.

From Crystal: that's what we planned for, anyway. no one here even knows about me so they won't even get the chance to even find me.

To Crystal: i have to get back, they'll suspect something.

From Crystal: keep me updated, I don't want to be getting kidnapped by some huge gorilla man.

Cecilia didn't reply. I look at William and see him already looking at me.

"Call up the guys from upstairs, and get your gun ready." He nods. I walk over to Kayden. "She's betrayed us. She's working with Crystal and right now I am going to fucking kill her." I seethe.

"Please don't, Haiz. Just keep her down here all the while you keep searching for Crystal." He tells me.

"Okay, I won't do any damage. Other than breaking her nose, but nothing else." Geez, a couple years ago the only thing on my mind would be to be punching people, not to be killing anyone or locking them in a basement. My eyebrows go wide as I realize how much things can change in just three years.

I hear the door slam shut and Cecilia walks down the stairs, a small smile on her face.

"Sorry, that was my mom. She just misses me." I look at William. Before he could reach into his boot, I stepped in front of him.

"Aw, well mom's always care." She nods then walks over to William.

"Anything?" Cecilia asks. I look at William and shake my head, telling him to hold on a for a sec. ---


"Caleb, there are two suspicious guys outside just watching as people come in the club." Eric tells me. I frowned and wondered who it could be. I grabbed my gun and put it in the back of my pants.

"Snyder, come with me." He nods then unlocks his gun. We walk upstairs and out through the door.

"Stay back, in case they shoot." I tell him and he nods. I walk over to the car, both guys looking straight ahead. Once I've gotten to their car, I knocked on the window. They rolled it down, but only the one in the passenger side looked at me.

"Hello boys, care to tell me why you're out here and making my customers uncomfortable?" I ask.

"We're not here for them. We're here for you." I frowned.

"And who are you?"

"The law. I'm detective Lloyd and this is my partner, Detective Danes." Danes still hasn't looked at me. He's either scared of annoyed. I can't tell by his face features.

"Mm, and you so happen to be outside my club?" He doesn't reply. "Alright, tell me, what am I doing that's so suspicious?" I ask. He doesn't answer so I look at Danes. They both don't answer so I nod.

"Alright," I say then get away from their car.

Detectives? What am I doing that's got them concerned? They must've seen the papers before I made the publishers to take it down. This is quite annoying, honestly. Or maybe they've been tracking me this whole time without me knowing? That could be it.

"Snyder, send William a text and tell him to check the camera's around the house. I get a feeling those two idiots have been spying on me this whole time." Snyder nods then pulls out his phone. 

I walk back inside the Club only to see Eric looking at two wine glasses filled with red drinks. I leave him to that then get a text message from William.

From William: turns out they have been following you around this whole time.

I read the message carefully as I don't want to misread something or miss anything. They don't know anything, or else I would've been in prison. I mean I stole the club from Martin and they don't know that. And if they know where the warehouse is then why not go there when I'm in there? They can easily find out what it is we do in there.

All I know is that right now I just have to be careful with what I do.

I know this chapter is shitty, sorry. I had writer's block for a while but I now know what I will be writing. And again, sorry for the shitty chapter and sorry for any misspelled words.

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