chapter 19

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I couldn't sleep after the text with Valentino. I just had to get more information about Rafael. Val ended up coming at ten. Caleb was asleep at the time but is now awake and helping Val. Eric hired a babysitter for Katherine so she's watching her while we sort business. And Eric went out to make a deal with some other mafia.

Hannah will be joining me in this interrogation. She wants to feel useful for this stuff and I get why.

"Who was Rafael's wife?" I ask Matilde. She smirks at me and leans back on the chair.

"What? Did he find you and that's why your arm is wounded?" It's like the sight of my arm gives her some sort of satisfaction. But the only satisfaction I get is seeing her tied to the chair. There's always just that satisfaction you get when you're torturing someone who you hate so much, and even more because they have made your life miserable.

"Find me? Honey, your brother's ass isn't smart enough to find us. We're literally next to New York and he hasn't thought of looking here." She glares at me.

"Now tell me his wife's name."

"I won't tell you anything. You can't do anything to me, your arm is fucked." She spits.

"It might be fucked, but not for long. When it heals I will make sure I break every bone in your face so it will get fixed from all the surgery you've done." She groans and I smirk. It's so easy to get under her skin. "But that's because Hannah is here. She will hit you to get out the information your hiding. She can do damage, I've seen her punch a few people over things at stores." I glance at Hannah to see her grinning.

"Now tell me!" I yell at her. She looks up at me and stays silent for a while. "Hannah, grab the tweezers." Matilde furrows her brows.

"If you don't tell me, I'll have Hannah cut off a finger everytime you don't tell me what I want to know." Matilde looks at us in fear. Hannah hesitates and I actually wouldn't cut off her finger. It's just to get her scared and tell me her damn name.

Hannah stands in front of Matilde and grabs her hand.

"Now tell me." I tell her slowly.

"Fine! Her name is Jasmine! Jasmine Hall." I smirk and Hannah moves the tweezers.

"What else is there to know about her?" I ask.

"Do you really want to know the damn reason why we're after you?" She asks.

"Well obviously, I'm not doing this for nothing." She glares at me.

"Jasmine was four months pregnant when Valentino killed her. Not only did he kill her but he killed my parents. Rafael is after him for that but all I want is Caleb. I mean, I did have him for a short while." Ugh. I hate that she keeps saying that. I know she wants Caleb, but he's all mine.

Valentino told us that he didn't know anyone was in there. Rafael's wife was pregnant, and he's after all of us. I don't blame him, honestly.

"Actually, I think we're done here. Hannah, let's go." I say. Hannah and I walk out together. When we make it up, we go into Caleb's office. Val and him are looking at some papers on the round table in the corner of the room.

"Val, Rafael's wife's name is Jasmine Hall. She was four months pregnant when you killed her and that's why they're after us." Caleb stood straight and furrowed his brows at Val.

"Did she just call you Val?" He asks him and Val looks at me with an amused grin and shrugs.

"We've gotten close." I roll my eyes and walk over to Caleb. I wrap my arm around him while he wraps me in his warm comforting arms. I smell him and am intoxicated by his amazing smell. I lean my head on his chest and can hear his heartbeat. It's steady and I smile when I move my hand up and down on his back and hear his heart pick up a little. I love how I can do something so simple and have an affect on him.

"Hey! The deal went great." We hear Eric say from the door. We all look over at him and he has a huge smirk. "Tonight we will have two million coming to us." Caleb doesn't say anything but nods. There's something off with him, I can feel it.

He glances at me then back down to the paper on the table. I look at Val to see him staring at me. I frown and he shrugs, as if he knows what I'm thinking.

Later on in the day, one of Caleb's guys comes in his office, where all of us are talking about a plan on how to kill Rafael, with an envelope.

Caleb opens it slowly and I watch his every movement. He scans the page and his nose flares. I wonder what it said. I was about to go over to grab it when Val grabbed it and scanned it as well.

"Well?" I ask impatiently. Val and Caleb look at each other before looking at me.

"Rafael wants you." Caleb says, looking directly at me. My heart froze and it was like all of them weren't even in here with me. I was in my own dark world where no one could bother me.

Why does Rafael want me? I'm not the one who killed his pregnant wife. I did kill Alessandro but I don't think he ever mattered to Rafael. Does Rafael even know that we have Matilde? They both want different things, so what if they're working separately? Matilde told me Rafael was only after us because Val killed their parents, not because he wanted me. I mean of everything we have and he chooses me? He could take anything else.

"Haizly?" I hear Hannah's small voice. I turn to her and she has a sympathetic look on her face.

"What are we going to do?" I ask as I sigh. I look at Caleb to see him running a hand through his hair.

"I don't know. He can't have you." I might have a plan. But this plan only has me and Caleb's guys. Caleb, Val, Eric and Hannah won't know anything about this.

"I know he can't, and he won't. Can we figure this out later? I'm exhausted." I half lie. I am exhausted but I also want to come up with a plan by myself. I want to be able to think and come up with a good plan without one of them pestering me about Rafael wanting me.

And this is something I most definitely have done.

"Sure. But we're going to figure something out later." Caleb says more to me than everyone else. I nodded and excused myself from the office. I make my way downstairs to see Matilde and ask her some stuff.

"Looks you just can't get enough." She smirks. I look at her in disgust.

"Shut up." I spit. She stays quiet but still has the smirk. I pull the chair in front of her and sit down.

"Tell me where Rafael lives and where he spends most of his time."

This is what I have to do.

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