chapter 76

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When the plane landed, Brianna and I got off it and went inside a car. Brianna stayed quiet the whole way to the hotel, which was only about thirty minutes.

I like her being quiet much better than her opening her mouth and talking nonsense.

The hotel was nice and fancy. Much more yellow than white. I don't speak Russian because I don't have any business partners that speak it so why learn it? I never expected I'd come over to Russia for a meeting either. But that just means I have to find someone who speaks English or Spanish. Or Italian. One of those. Or maybe Brianna speaks Russian? I don't even know of she can speak Italian. I've tried teaching her but she just wouldn't get it right, which made me lose my patience, which led her to stop talking to me for some time. But I didn't care.

We went up to the receptionist.

"Здравствуйте, чем я могу вам помочь?" The guy asks, a smile on his face which just makes my mind blank. How the fuck do I do this? Never in these years of my life have I been so quiet, it's a weird feeling and kinda funny at the same time. (Hello, how may I help you?)

"Вы говорите по-английски?" Brianna suddenly asks, making me widen my eyes. I knew this bitch spoke this language. (Do you speak English?)

"немного. Но я говорю по-итальянски, я учился в колледже." Brianna sighs. (A little bit. But I can speak Italian, I took a class in College.)

"Что ж, мы бы хотели номер с одной односпальной кроватью, если вы можете." She continues and I'm just standing here a little dumbfounded. I let them continue chatting while I look around. I should learn how to speak Russian, that way I can know when someone is talking about my own business. Or like right now when I can't understand what Brianna is telling the guy. Probably some dumb shit, per usual.

He hands her a key and she says something, probably a thank you. He says something else but I didn't understand anything so I just left it.

"Why did he only give you one key?" I ask when she hands me the key.

"Because I asked for one room for the both of us." She smirks.

"Nice one. After the meeting, I'll be getting my own room. Don't think of anything stupid, Brianna." I say sternly. She stays quiet in annoyance as we go up to the room.

Once in there, I go into the bathroom and lock it so I could shower. My suitcase is in here and I search for clothes to wear for this damn meeting.

My phone buzzed.

I'm here. Which one is your room?

I sigh and replied to him, then put it in my suitcase. After I got some clothes, I took a shower.

The warm water relaxed my muscles. It was calm in here and I wish I could stay in here, but in an hour I'm meeting with Ivanov.

I felt a pair of arms go around me and my eyes widen when I realize who it was. I turn around and look at Brianna, who was smiling at me.

"What the fuck are you doing in here?" I ask in anger. I push her away and turn off the water.

"Relax. You're technically not married here in Russia. You're a free man." She tells me as she smirks. She doesn't get out of the shower.

"You're right." I say with a smile. I walk over to her and she has the hugest smile on her face. I put my hand on her neck and push her against the wall in full force, making her gasp.

"I'm married wherever the fuck I go. That doesn't mean you can decide when you want to fuck with me because that will never happen. Touch me once again and I will shoot you on the spot. Try and do anything to me again and you'll be down in my basement while my wife tortures the fuck out of you. And if you try to get Haizly to get away from me, I will torture you myself. Understood?" I ask but don't wait for her reply. "Good. Now shower and leave me the fuck alone, skank."

I walk out of the bathroom and take my suitcase with me. I close the bathroom door and changed in my clothes. They were just grey dress pants with a black shirt. I put on my shoes and ran a hand through my hair to get it in place.

Valentino comes in the room with a bobby pin in hand. I look at him in a "seriously" way to which he just smiles and shrugs.

"Is there someone else here? Haizly?" He asks.

"Brianna." I answer. He looks at me with a brown raised.

"Brianna? Seriously?" I shrug.

"I thought it would've been good to take her with us since she knows about business and stuff, she also knows how to speak Russian, apparently. That's why she's in the room, she asked for one." Valentino rolls his eyes.

"You need to learn how to speak Russian, you idiot." He says now I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. Now I'm thinking on just pushing her off the cliff." He chuckles which makes me smile.

"Caleb, I've never been so proud of you." I scoff.

"Say that again and I'll push you after her." He puts his hands up in surrender.

"Geez, she's the one pushing your buttons, not me." I stay silent and walk in the small kitchen. I look through cabinets to look for coffee or something, but there's nothing there. I sigh and lean on the counter. I'm glad Valentino is here so he can order me food.

"Already on it." Valentino tells me as he picks up the phone. Which reminds me, I have to speak to my wife soon. I already miss her so much. And it feels weird being here with Brianna and not her, since Haizly is the only one I've ever loved and cared for. All the other girls are just toys. Including Brianna, although we've never done anything. And I sure as hell won't ever fucking love a first bitch like her.

I like how I make Caleb so threatening and so romantic. And funny.
Anyways, hope you liked this chapter. Vote!! :) please

Also, Happy Easter !! I hope you all have a good day :))


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