chapter 77

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I walked inside the building. A small building, it's right next to a bank and a police station. I shake my head as I continued walking, Valentino and Brianna behind me, along with Snyder and Bryan.

"Can I help you?" The lady a the desk asks.

"Yeah, we're here to see Ivanov." I reply. She goes rigid in her chair, she swallows then looks up at me again.

"And who are you?" She asks.

"Caleb Scott, Valentino Scott, And Brianna Rays." She nods as she looks at her computer.

"Mr. Ivanov is in floor three. His door is straight in the hallway to your right. If you can't seem to find it, just ask someone who is sitting in the hall." I frowned then nodded. I walked away from her and to the stairs.

"He tries anything, shoot him." Valentino whispers to me. I ignore him and continue my walk upstairs. On the third floor there are men everywhere in the hall.

Fucking hell.

This guy has this whole place filled with men in case anything happens to him, smart but we're totally fucked if he tries to do something.

I take out my phone but someone says, "don't pull out your cell, this is important business."

"Tell me that fuckery again and I will shoot you in the head right now." He smirks.

"I'd like to see you try." I laugh then swing at him. He goes flying to the wall, holding his cheek.

"That is enough." I hear a loud stern voice fr.across the hall. I look over and see Ivanov.

"Ah, Caleb and Valentino Scott. What a pleasure." He says, his arms extended as if he was going to hug us.

I look at the guy again. "I already told you, talk to me with that nonsense and you're fucking dead." I say then walk away to go to Ivanov's office. I walk in and am surprised by the huge window there is in here.

"Nice space." Valentino says with a nod.

"Not much a style, though." Brianna sighs as she sits down on the couch on the far wall.

"I agree." I say then take my own seat in front of the desk, as does Valentino.

"So tell us, Ivanov," Valentino emphasizes on "Ivanov". "Why did you call this meeting? I hope it's much more important and I hope you learned more about this mafia job." He puts one leg over the other and leans back on the chair.

"I would like us all to have a big business. Of course each of us will keep our own business, but we also work as a team. For example, when I ship drugs over to America for you guys, you will send me money back just like a whole deal. You want someone dead here, one of these guys," he waves a hand to the men standing by the window, "will do the job for you. Just like that . . . easy."

I hum while Valentino opens his mouth but he's thinking of what to actually say.

"Have you done your research, Ivanov?" Valentino asks. He takes out a pack of cigarettes, which makes me frown. He hasn't smoked in such a long time.  Seeing the pack also makes me want to take one, but it's been a long time and I tried quitting. But he doesn't know that.

He lights it, takes a long drag, then blows it out.

"Of course I have, Scott. That is why I called you up here, to do business." Valentino nods.

"Okay, tell you what, if we agree to this and we find out you're scamming us, you're a dead man. But if you aren't, we want sixty percentage of this team work." Ivanov's eyes grow wide.

"Fifty-fifty." He replies, his voice suddenly becoming deeper.

"Sixty for us. I take thirty and Caleb takes thirty, you can keep the forty. Or what, did you not know that either?" He asks, a small chuckle escaping him. Ivanov sat straight in his chair, looking at the both of us.

"Fine, take sixty. Is this a deal?" He asks. I look at Valentino and he looks at me, the both of us practically knowing what to say.

"First, the shipments will not be late. Not in hour late, a day late, or any late. Second, we do not human traffic. So if you're looking for that, deals off. Third, if you want protection from us, like if you get a wife or kids, tell us and we'll all work an agreement. Understood?" I ask, and Ivanov nods as well.

"Great, looks like we have a deal." I say then stand up. I walk away from the desk to find Brianna filing her nails. I roll my eyes and stand by the door.

"Goodbye for now, Ivanov." Valentino says then stands up. Brianna followed us out, every person in the hall stared at us, watching our every movement.

Once we are outside and in the car, Valentino asks, "so, what are we eating?"


"I am not getting a turtle." I tell Kayden. I put my clothes in the laundry and press the button after I put the soap in.

"Why not? They're really cute and really cheap." I scoff.

"And the things included. A tank, a filter, so on, so on." Kayden chuckles.

"You're rich." I laugh, a real laugh.

"I am not rich. Caleb just does some . . . things to earn money. I mean, yeah it's a lot, but I wouldn't consider myself rich. Plus, I'd like to be careful with money."

"Fine. What about a dog?" I look at him.

"Nope. As much as I love dogs, I can't. Plus, who knows if Caleb would even accept having one here." I say then leave the laundry room to go into the kitchen where the pasta is boiling.

"Why not ask him first, then? Just tell him you're lonely here at the house and he'll give in." I scoff again. He's not wrong with that one. Caleb would do anything to have someone here with me, like Sean and George, but they're not really company, they're more like a reminder that my husband is not off in a normal business trip, more like a killing dealing business trip.

"Yeah, maybe I'll do that." He smiles at me. "Maybe." He shrugs.

"Good enough for me." I roll my eyes with a smile.

"Shut up and go get the sauce." He chuckles and walks over to the cabinet.

All I Wantedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن