Chapter 52

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When I wake up, Caleb's arms are wrapped around me tightly. I didn't hear him or feel him last night. The words that I said come crashing back to me like a slap and I felt my heart ache.

I said that out of anger and I feel so bad for saying them. I just hope he understands that it was in the heat of the moment.

My head hurts and all I want is a coffee. A warm coffee and a binge watch on Gilmore Girls sounds nice. Caleb groans from behind me and I turn my head slightly to look at him. His eyes are closed and his lips are parted. Small snores are coming from his full lips and he just looks so peaceful. I don't want to wake up but I have to get out of his hard embrace.

I quietly but slowly tried to unwrap his arms from my waist but he wouldn't budge. I looked up at the ceiling and sighed. I got hot from doing this.

Caleb's eyes open and he stares at me while I stare at him. After a while he frowns and sits up.

"Where are you going?" He asks as he rubs his eyes. I sit up and play with the ring on my finger.

"I was craving some coffee." I tell him lowly.

"Oh." He replies.

"Caleb, I'm so sorry for what I said last night. I wasn't thinking." I ramble before my brain could process it. I was also a bit too loud and we both had just woken up so we weren't used to any loud noise.

"Haizly, I know." He says in that raspy morning voice.

"I love you so, so much and I'm sorry if I hurt you." He turns his head to me. What if he tells me off and makes me feel bad for making him feel bad? I already feel bad. I didn't mean anything.

"I love you. And it's okay, I know you were angry." How does he do that? He forgives me without me actually really giving him an explanation. It's like we have become one.

"B-," he hushes me.

"Baby," butterflies flew around like crazy when he called me that. "Really, I'll drop it if you will. We have a wedding to plan and some words won't stop me from loving you." My heart melted. I moved the blankets aside and climbed on his lap.

"How can you be so understanding?" I ask him. He smiles up at me, a lazy one. My hands play with his hair while his hands rest on my hips.

He shrugs. "We're different- yet the same." I frown and press my hands on both his cheeks.

"Where have I heard that before?" I ask him. He laughs and hides his face on my chest. But I pull his head away from me so I can look at him.

"I read one of those highlighted books you read. You highlight so many things, even little ones. But I like it, I like watching you highlight things in books." I blush and peck his lips.

"When did you read the book?" I ask him.

"It wasn't long ago. I just wanted to see what the whole fuss was about this book. But I just so happen to open that page." I peck his lips twice more before getting off his lap.

"Hey. I thought I earned a little more for actually reading that whole page. Even though it didn't make sense." I chuckle and turn my body to face him.

"How about read the whole book and you'll get something in reward." His eyebrows rose up and he licks his lips. I giggle and make my way to the bathroom.

Once I brush my teeth and do my business, I walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. Caleb is by the coffee pot and what is on the counter is a stack of books. I frown as I pick up the purple cover.

"What are these doing here?" I ask him.

"I thought I'd read them. You always talk about that damn guy Hardin. I mean, who the hell is he and why has he captured my girls heart?" I smile.

"I just have a thing for bad boys." I rise my eyebrows at him. He looks at me then makes his way towards me.

"You're mine. Only mine." He whispers to me. My breath hitches in my throat and I put my hands on his chest. I like it when he does that.

"Or am I? Hardin Scott has swooned me over." He raises an eyebrow and his face is full shockness.

"Okay that's it. This damn fictional character needs to leave my girl only for me." I giggle. My cheeks are heated from how he's acting this morning. He's different from all the other days. And I'm loving it.

"Get to reading and I'll do something you'll absolutely love." I bite my lip and he stares at them. I tap on his chest before I walk away from him and to the full coffee pot. He goes into the bathroom and I grab the purple cover. I open a random page and start reading from there.

This is the part where Hardin and Tessa don't speak for eleven days. It's heartbreaking. This book has a lot more heartbreak and a lot of quotes I love. But my favorite book out of the series is the third book.

"Haizly?" Caleb says when he comes out of the bathroom. I look at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"What? Is something wrong?" I ask, really hoping there isn't. We've dealt with too much these past weeks.

"No, nothing's wrong. I just . . . I just wanted to tell you to start looking up dates for the wedding." He looks at me with that cute smirk and I felt my heart jump.

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