chapter 27

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After Kayden, Emma and I go to the store and to Kayden's house to watch some movies I go back home exhausted. Kayden, being the nice person that he is, tried to distract me from Caleb and everything else, but him trying to distract me just made me think of him more. The entire movie I just let out angry sighs because I just still can't believe Caleb could do that to me.

I open the door to my apartment and drop my purse on the couch. I didn't drive, the bartender got me a cab and even payed for it.

I stumbled into my room and sat down on the bed.

Something felt off. I felt like I was being watched. I turn my head to the closet that was shut. I go over to my drawers and grab the gun in it. I walk to the closet, pull it open as fast as I can and aimed my gun in there. But there was no one.

"Were you really going to shoot me?" I hear that familiar voice say from behind me. I turn around, still aiming my guitar at Rafael.

"I would if it meant defending myself. What do you want?" He clicks his tongue and paces in front of me.

"You. I want you." He whistles and a guy comes up from behind me. I knew there was someone in there. They grab my arms and I wince. The wound on my arm wasn't just going to magically disappear. I wish it would but that's not how life is. Your left with the damage.

"Get her downstairs." Rafael tells the gorilla from behind me. They rush me out of my room so I did the thing Sean taught me. I lifted up my legs and hit the bottom of my shoes on his shins. He groans and lets go of my arms. I fall to the floor and he grabs me but I kick at his shin even harder.

Rafael comes in the kitchen and tries grabbing me.

"You fuck! You're not supposed to let go of her no matter what the hell she does to you!" Rafael yells at the gorilla. With my good elbow I jammed it on Rafael's shoulder making him groan. I then hit him on the side of the face.

The gorilla tried grabbing me but I quickly ran. I get out of the apartment and take the stairs. There will probably be people outside waiting for these fucks, so I have to get out through the back.

When I reach down to the first floor, I make my way to the back. The elevator door dings but doesn't open yet. I click the door open and run as fast as I could. It's a good thing the apartment is only on the third floor so when I run it makes it faster.

When I reach the bottom floor the receptionist gives me a strange look before I run out of the building. The only thought that's running in my head is where do I go now? I don't want to go to Kayden's because Rafael and his army will follow me there and hurt Kayden. Well not just him but Emma, too. If she's still there.

And I also don't want to go to Caleb's because I can't see him right now. Even the thought of his face hurts me. But I just know that I'll be going to Canada either way because I need Rafael off my back. And where the fuck is Sean? He's my bodyguard.

Or did Caleb tell him to not watch me anymore because suddenly he hates me and has gotten with Matilde. The thought of them together makes me puke.

They won't look great together.

When I'm in my car I turn it on quickly and as I'm backing away from the car park, I see Rafael and his gorilla look at me. Rafael slams his hand on a car and tells the guy behind him something.

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