An Update !

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Hi my people !!! It's been a while. Just here to say that there will be a third book, it is called All I Ever Wanted. It's way more mature than the first and the second book, so beware. The third book will be coming out this summer, and I will post every other day like I normally would with the second book. I may leave out some days cause I have a new job and my schedule is all over the place, but I will try and make it work.

I think I will be posting every weekend though, but I won't have a specific time because I can't keep up with that XD. 

Also thank you to everyone who has made it this far in the series, I know it can be boring and annoying, sorry. But thank you !!!

Not writing about Haizly and Caleb makes me sad because I love writing about them. I love writing these books even though the whole mafia part gets a little complicated.

Anyways, I will keep you guys posted on when the third book will be coming out :)

Thank you ! <3

All I WantedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon