chapter 86

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"Hey, Cecilia, come with me upstairs to get some snacks." I say to Cecilia who was too intrigued in helping William on the computer. I texted Caleb a while back to come home because of this problem. I've never known what to do with people who betray us, so I obviously had to call Caleb.

So he texted me telling me to go upstairs, but to take Cecilia with me.

"Um, okay." She said, unsure of this. I walk upstairs while she follows, but once we make it up I am pushed against someone and my whole breath knocks out of me. I look up to meet Caleb's eyes.

"What the fuck? What are you doing?" Cecilia yells at us. Caleb parts from me, then goes over to her.

"I'm really sick and tired of people like you." Caleb says, really sounding exhausted in his tone. I frowned but brushed it off for later. Kayden runs upstairs and Caleb tells me to go upstairs, but after I protest that I will be going with him, Kayden begs me to stay with him. So I did. We went upstairs to mine and Caleb's bedroom, of course with Sean following.

"Do you ever get tired of following me around?" I asked Sean, not sounding rude at all, but a bit of sass in my tone.

"Not really. It's better than to be like William or Snyder all the time everyday. Although when you go to sleep I go downstairs to the basement and work like Caleb tells me to. Once I know Caleb is awake I come back up." I nodded.

"So when do you sleep?" I asked.

"I catch a break some time when you go to sleep. But I don't sleep for more than an hour or two." My eyes widened.

"I wouldn't even stay up that long for so many months. I can't even stay awake listening to Hannah talk about makeup." We all chuckle. Not that I don't like hearing Hannah rant, but we just don't have the same interests in stuff.

"Well coffee is the number one drug in America." Sean says and I nod.

"I'd very much likely die from too much caffeine." Sean chuckles and looks down at the floor. I look at Kayden and sighed.

"This past week I've actually stayed up late to finish an art project, but I cannot last months like that. Maybe when I was in High School, but now? I cannot." I smile.

"I think we all did that. I'd go home around five in the morning after hanging out with the gang." I think back to the times I'd hang out with them, doing things we shouldn't be doing. Like getting drunk and getting high in the park where homeless people would be.

"Caffeine can't even work on me right now. I just need rest." Kayden groans as he lays back on my bed.

"High School was much more easier." I say. Sean's phone makes a sound so he takes it out of his pocket.

"Caleb has Cecilia in a cell downstairs, but he has asked for you guys to stay up here, turns out Crystal has been here all along." I frowned then stood up from the bed.

"What do you mean? She wasn't in London?" I asked.

"She came back just today with Cecilia. She wanted you guys to think she was still in London." I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"Sneaky cunt. I am going to find her and kill her." I say and walk over to the door but Sean grabbed me and pulled me back.

"Sorry for abruptly grabbing you, but Caleb has told me to tell you you guys have to stay up here. Crystal has an army of men here." I frowned.

"And he thinks I will be up here and wait for all this to end? We've won wars together before, and neither you or him will tell me what to do. I need to be down there." I yell at Sean but he has no emotion on his face.

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