chapter 28

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Hannah and Katherine went in a car to go back to New York. Except four guys are with her. They're also taking the long way there because Rafael is coming here.

Caleb tried telling me to go with her but I just gave him a glare and went with Valentino to set up the guns. He does not control what I do.

"You know how to set up a gun, right?" Val asks as he holds up a handgun. I nod and grab it from his hold to grab the bullets. I put them in and step aside for the rest of the guys to set up theirs.

"Take two." Caleb tells me then hands me a another handgun. I roll my eyes but take it anyway.

"Haiz," he starts. "There is-,"

"They're almost here! They took their plane!" Will yells as he comes in the room. I walk out of the room to go upstairs but a hand stopped me. I looked down and saw Caleb.

"Don't go up there. That's where they go first." I stare at him, not wanting to follow any rules of his, but I know that I should listen since he has more experience with this.

"We all get down and hide behind something, they always shoot the walls before they come inside." I'm still so confused. But I should go with him because I do not want to die.

He leads me behind the couch. "Have you ever seen The Godfather?" He asks me. I look up at him and shake my head. He bites his lip then nods. "Well, this will be something like that." I cross my arms over my my chest and wait for something to happen.

Why would I want to watch another mafia movie if I'm living the mafia? The Godfather never interested me, but I will say, Scarface is lit. My mom always thought I was weird for watching the movie and saying Al Pacino was hot when he was younger.

Will walked out with a computer and some headphones. I watch as he sits on the couch in front of us and clicks on some things. I don't understand anything that he's reading, clicking, or whatever.

But when he says, "sir, I just hacked into his phone. He's having a phone call with someone." He unplugs the headset and turns up the volume.

"Where are you headed?" A male voice asks. Why does he sound familiar? Caleb and I look at each other, like if he's thinking what I'm thinking.

"Canada. I'm finally going to kill Caleb to get Haizly." Goosebumps rise on my skin.

"Good. Make sure Caleb is completely dead and that none of his men survive. I don't need any of them to come and be the rescue for Haizly."

"I'll make sure everyone is dead." Rafael replies harshly. He hangs up and Will looks up at us.

"How far along are they?" Caleb asks.

"Twenty minutes." Caleb's nose flares and he looks pissed. His hand grabs my arm and I wince. Curse my damn dad for shooting me on my arm.

"Haizly, you have to leave. You have to go somewhere where he doesn't find you." What is he saying? I will not leave his side, this is my war too.

"Caleb I am not leaving. This is my war and I want to be here." He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs.

"Haizly, I don't want you dead."

"Who said I'm dying? Do you know who you're talking to?" I ask but it came out a little playful. "I did kill Alessandro and shot those guys from when they kidnapped you." He rolls his eyes at the mention of the Russians who kidnapped him at the club.

"But Haizly, this is war."

"I know what it is, Caleb. I'm not stupid." I say, annoyed. He looks into my eyes and I hate that my heart swells and the butterflies in my stomach fly around like crazy. He's the only person that causes these animated feelings, and I liked it. I loved that he was the only one, but right now he did something wrong and I don't know if I can forgive him.

"I love you." Those three words made my heart shatter and my breath got caught. Why would he tell me that? Does he expect me to say it back? An 'I Love You' won't fix problems. Maybe for other people but this problem is way more big than some argument with your partner.

"Sir, they just landed. The guys are ready with the guns. They headed into the woods for the emergency." Caleb nodded.

"Okay." He replies. He gives me one last glance before going over to Will and a group of guys.

I remembered searching something up back in high school when we had to do some project for Biology. It had to do something with planes and if this were a cartoon, a light bulb would light up above my head.

I smirked at the thought. It might do some serious damage but it's something to protect all of us.

"Get down!" I hear someone yell. Everyone gets down, as do I. They were shooting at the walls and the bullets would come in, hitting anything. A bullet went through the couch and I gasp. I look across to Caleb to see him trying to get to me.

"Caleb, don't come here!" I yell over the loud noise. The bullets were so close to him that my heart was beating fast in my chest. I watch as he comes closer to me.

"I don't care if I get shot. You have to be protected." His arms went around me and in the moment I don't care what he's doing. I just want to feel the comfort of his arms around me. I want to remember how safe he feels with just one touch, even if there is chaos out there.

The shootings stop and I didn't realize I had one arm wrapped around Caleb. I look up into his eyes and see that he was doing the same. But I pull apart and everyone gets up.

I walk over to Will and ask him where the plane landed. He told me and once windows started crashing upstairs, I went in the kitchen to go out through the back.

Then war started.

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