Chapter 62

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Song; The Wave- Colouring


Haizly and I continued walking down the path while Haiz took pictures. I've never been to Oregon, not even while making business. In fact, are there any mafia men in Oregon? I don't think I've ever heard of any living or are from Oregon. I should do my re-search.

Haizly is focused on getting to the bottom so she could see the water. I follow her, but make sure she doesn't step on anything bad.

"What would you say about us living here?" Haizly exclaims to me. I frowned.

"Is that just a question or are you being serious?" I ask. She doesn't look back but continues walking, which she does very fast.

"Just a question. Now answer it." She demands sternly but chuckles at the end to let me know that she wasn't being that stern.

I blow out a breath. "Well we can't live here." I say but I crash into Haizly and almost fall when I caught myself.

"Why? This place is so pretty." She pouts which makes me roll my eyes but I have a small smile.

"Uh, because. We've already bought the house back in New York, and not just that but it would be hard to get all the guys and the equipment set up here. It took a while just setting up stupid computers." Haizly pouts but then walks away.

"Fine, fine. But can we at least visit yearly?" She asks.

Man, what is with this woman? I love her but sometimes she can get carried away with things. It would be nice to live here, maybe to get away from things back home. Maybe even get a new life and live it with Haizly, but if only it were that simple.

If I was seen on the streets- if someone knew me, since I keep my life private- then I'd be bound to be dead. Shot on the spot or that night by some mafia that only went there to kill me.

So I'd rather just love with the fact that I am a mafia man with consequences, than to die and leave Haizly alone.

"Sure." I say. Haizly's pout disappears and a smile makes it to her face. She wraps her arms around my waist and kisses my neck.

"Also, we have to visit the beach." She says and I frown.

"But it's March." She shrugs.

"Then we can go, get a tan but won't get in the water." She pauses. "That's if I get a tan." She chuckles which makes me chuckle as well. Haizly is light skin and when she tries to tan, she gets sun burned instead and she hates it. She hates being light skin because everyone mistakes for being white when she's mexican. It also doesn't help that she dyed her hair blonde when she was younger, and she re-dyes it when the roots grow out.

"We'll see." I say with a smirk. Haizly turns her to me and rolls her eyes and continues walking.

"Hi, what would you guys like to order?" The waiter asks Haizly and I. We came to a small fancy restaurant, I expected it to look red with brown leather chairs and fancy cloth tables. But no, it's all white with yellow and plants inside. It's pretty, yeah, but not what I was expecting.

"I'll get garlic pasta with a side of garlic bread, please." Haizly tells the guy and he nods as he writes down the order.

"I'll have a burger with extra fries, and can you not add the tomato's or onions, please?" He nods then walks away after that.

"Why no onion?" Haizly asks with a confused look on her face.

"I don't want onion breath the whole night." She giggles. A beautiful melody to my ears. Always has been my favorite sound of her's. I know it's cheesy to say that, but it's true.

"You're right, I want to be able to kiss you." She scrunched up her nose.

"Oh ya? Well about that garlic your about to eat?" I fire back but she scoffs.

"Puh-lease, garlic is nowhere near as strong as onion. I can brush it off and it won't smell, but onion. You'd be burping that shit." I laugh and so does she.

"Right, right. You win." She flips her hair off her shoulders, something I like of her's when she wins an argument or when someone tells her she's right. My God she is stubborn, she can never be wrong.

Our food got here a couple minutes after and we dig in to our food. Haizly is eating her noodles and she seems to be enjoying it so I grab her fork and grab some pasta and put it in my mouth.

"Hey." She says.

"I know, I know. You don't like sharing, but baby you gotta learn how to share. Especially with your husband."

I got a weird feeling in my stomach at the word of husband coming out of my mouth. I enjoy it, but woah, it felt weird.

"I don't have to share, not even with you, my husband." She says to which I just roll my eyes. She giggles and digs in to her pasta while I continue to eat my burger.

Short update, but that's because I'm on writer's block. Literally the worst. That is why I haven't uploaded in these past four-three? days. I don't even know how long it's been.

But I do hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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