chapter 6

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"This is all your damn fault!" Caleb yells at Valentino who doesn't flinch when he yells. He lays back and takes a drag of his cigar. I narrow my eyes at him and cross my arms over my chest.

"Not just mine-," he nods at me, "-but she has something to do with this, too." He says calmly.

"I do, but what I did wasn't as bad as yours." I groan in irritation. He shrugs and takes another drag of his cigar. Caleb rubs his chin and looks out the window. Not only does Rafael want me because I killed Alessandro, but because Valentino killed his pregnant wife when he bombed one of his places. He had no clue anyone was inside until after. Now, Rafael and Matilde will not stop until they have us dead.

"Not just that, but I gave them the wrong information about you two, so stop being all dramatic." Valentino breaks the silence. I look at him in anger.

"Shut up, they're mostly after you and you're here trying to be buddy- buddy with us." Caleb walks over to me and that's when I realized I've moved closer to Valentino. My anger is out of control right now and all I want to do is cut off Rafael's head off, beat up Matilde, and strange Valentino. But I'll do one at a time when and if I ever the damn chance.

"Control your girl, son. Who knows what other trouble she could get us into." Caleb glares at him.

"Shut the fuck up! You don't have to anything because as I re-call you're the one who brought trouble with me and my mom! You're the reason why I'm like this so how about you keep yourself in control, and stop telling me what to do with my wife and my life." I hold onto Caleb's shirt and we both take several steps away from his annoying infuriating father.

"Anyways, want to hear my plan or what?" Valentino asks with a smirk. Caleb and I look at each other. I don't know if we can trust Valentino, I mean after all, the last time he almost had Caleb killed. And I don't want to lose someone so special to me, someone I love the most.

"Leave me and Haizly alone and we'll call you when we're done discussing this." Valentino shrugs and stands up. The guys walk out with him and I turn to Caleb who has a frown on his face and is looking down at the floor.

"Do you trust him?" I ask Caleb in a hushed tone. Not to let Valentino hear, but because I can tell Caleb is hurt. I can see through him, and even though he has his emotions masked, I know him better than anyone to know what he's actually feeling.

"I don't know. I mean, a part of me wants to believe him but the other . . . I don't know what to do." He groans and sits down on his desk chair. I walk over to him and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Should we give it try? I mean, he can give us any information we need. And you have enough guys to take him down if he's with them." He looks up at me, his hands on his knees.

"But that's the thing, Haizly. He's only gone to us when he needed something or if he was in trouble. After that he just . . . leaves and I don't hear from him for years." I know what this is about. It has nothing to do with the mafia. Caleb is afraid that if Valentino stays for too long he'll actually stay. But he knows he'll leave right after. It hurts seeing him like this.

"Caleb." I say softly.

"This isn't about the mafia is it?" I ask. He looks me in the eyes and stays quiet, and his quietness says yes.

"Haizly, I just . . . I can't. I don't know if I should trust him."

Same here. But I get a feeling that we should trust him. He's here and is telling us whatever information we need. It's what we need to know why he's after us. Who he's working with. And I know he doesn't want Valentino working with us because of their past, but I don't want neither of us dead. Especially not before our wedding.

"Caleb, I know you don't want him to work with us, but what if he does tell us what we need to know. Caleb," I move his face to look at me. "We need to do this." He sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"Okay." He finally says. I smile and sit down on his lap, kiss him softly but is filled with passion. His hands go to my waist and tugs me closer to his body. My stomach fills with butterflies and I don't want to pull away, but Valentino is waiting for us.

I pull away and the both of us are a heaving mess. His lips are red from the kiss and I get off of him.

"Come on." I nod my head to the door and he follows. I open the door to see Valentino watching the guys around him walk around with papers and water bottles.

He looks at us. "Great. Decided on anything?" He asks and I decide to speak for Caleb.

"Yeah. We chose to work with you, but you have to give us every detail. Where they were, the time, the place, and so on." Valentino nods.

"I'll do that. You just need to trust me." I hope I'm doing the right thing, I do not want to die in his hands.

"Is that all?" I ask as I look at the map Valentino drew for me and Caleb. A map of where the things are in Matilde's apartment building.

"Obviously not." Valentino says in a 'duh' voice. I just roll my eyes at him and wait for him to continue. "Matilde and Rafael don't live together. She lives in an apartment in Brooklyn, it's cheap. I know where it is and how to get there without getting caught by Rafael's men. So we just need a plan on how to get to Matilde's before Rafael." I frown. What will we do with Matilde? This is all just so confusing and I've never been this stressed of something before in my life.

But we have to do this in able to stay alive and safe.

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