chapter 16

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I stand by the wall, the gun to my chest as I wait to hear any movement. But there was nothing. So when I go into the other hall, the guy that was there pointed their gun at me.

"Who are you?" He asks in a deep try-to-be-scary voice.

I smirk. "Your worst fear." He frowns and I take this time to snatch the gun from his hands and it falls to the floor. He looks at me in surprise and ducks before I could pull the trigger.

He tackles me onto the floor but I turned us around and got some punches in his face.

I stood up and grabbed my gun but he kicked my legs and I fell back with a loud thud.

He got ontop of me, pulled his knife out and put it close to my neck but I grabbed the knife in full force and stabbed him in the neck. I stabbed him three more times before grabbing his gun and my gun then going down the hallway.

I have no idea how Haizly's father managed to get an army of guys to be his little minions. Does he pay them? If so, how? Does he deal? Is he a new mobster? I would've known if he was new, considering I'm close to being one.

I raised my gun up as I turned another corner, but luckily there was no one. I speed walked all the way straight. The walls are so white and shiny, it could make me go blind.

I hate modern things.

"Hey!" I hear someone yell. I turn around and raise my gun, I shot him in the chest and he fell. More guys started coming out with guns so I quickly hid behind the wall. I heard them coming closer and the shootings stopped, so I turned around and pulled the trigger. I shot at anyone and anywhere.

When I was close to them I grabbed a guy, who was still alive but weak to fight me, and turned them around to use as a shield. The guys shot at the guy in front of me while I shot both of them in the head.

I show off too much that I have good aiming.

I threw the guy to the floor and ran to the right side of the place, trying to find Haizly's family.

Her shit-bag father kidnapped them and tried to kill them because he says that Haizly killed his son. Haizly isn't like that, she wouldn't kill an innocent little boy for nothing. Actually, she wouldn't even go near one.

I open a door that was too dark inside. I hear whimpers and sobs so I go closer into the dark. There is no window or any light in sight.

I pulled out my phone and turned the flashlight on. There was Haizly's mother, brother's, and dad's.

"Mmm mm!" Her mother yells at me. I walk over to her and take the bandana out of her mouth.

"Caleb! Help us, please! I don't know why they're doing this!" She sobs.

"I'm saving you. Trust me." She nods and I take out the knife from my pocket to untie her hands.

"Where is Haizly? Is she okay?" Her father asks in a rush. He has panic in his eyes and he's shaking.

"Haizly is fine." I say and hope they don't notice the panic in my voice. Sean is taking Haizly and Hannah to the house in Canada, while I am here trying to free her family.

She got shot in the arm and it kills me to know that my baby got shot. I know it's just in the arm but it could've been somewhere else. And it hurts like shit, getting shot.

"Okay, from here we're going to turn left and go all the way straight. If you see a dead body with a gun, grab it." I tell them.

"Caleb, what is this? Why are you killing people and why is Haizly's dad doing this?" Lily asks, her face is full of shock and fear and her hands are trembling. Why the hell did he do this to them? They have nothing bad!

"There's no time to explain right now, we just have to go now." I tell them.

Once I've untied everyone we all went out of the room. They each grabbed a gun from the dead bodies and we walked in the direction I came from.

I hold up my gun as I turn a corner. Sean wasn't the one who told me that Haizly's family was kidnapped. It was her cousin Aiden who told me from prison.

I remember him. He's the one who got that one girl pregnant at a young age and she made him stop talking to Haizly. It was really weird. Why would she not want them to talk?

He got sent to prison because he tried raping another girl. He forced her into something she didn't want to. He beat her too, and she called the cops when she escaped him. He ran but wasn't far when they found him. He's a stupid guy for doing that.

I don't know how he knows, but there is just so much chaos that I'm getting so damn annoyed by all this.

And I think I know what I have to do.

"There is a truck outside waiting for you guys." I explained. "Take the guns and if you see someone shoot them. Don't think just shoot." They nodded.

"Go." I tell them and they open the doors and run. I have to take care of something. I run through the halls, trying to find the heater room.

My phone chimed to see William's name.

Your close to the heater room. When you see a corner turn right then left and there are some doors. Open the second one on the left side.

I nodded then turned off my phone.

I just want to get this over with and go see Haizly. I wonder if she knows her parents were being held captive by her biological dad? I didn't really care if Sean told her or not, I just really wanted to know if she was safe.

When I find the door, I open it and walk inside. I get out the timer bomb and set it on the machine. It will heat up the entire place until it explodes.

I don't care who's in here, just as long as they leave us alone.

I set the timer for 50 seconds then run out of there. I turn the corners from where I came from.

"Well, if it isn't Caleb Scott. My husband's bitchy daughter's husband.' I hear a screechy and annoying sound from behind me.

"And you are?" I ask.

She puts a hand on her chest and chuckles- well more like squeaks-- throws her head back.

"I am Karen. I'm sure she told you made up stories about me." I furrow my brows. All I know is that I have to get out of here and let this bitch burn. I really don't give a fuck about her, she made Haizly's life miserable.

"No, she didn't. Wanna know why? Because she never focused on a lame ass bitch like you. She has her own life to focus on and she could never focus on something so irrelevant." She gasps and her face goes red.

"Didn't your mother teach you manners, you sick bastard?!" She yells at the top of her lungs.

"She did, but she always told me that manners didn't exist with snakes like you." It started getting warm in here and that only meant that the bomb was close to exploting.

She groans. "Look, Haizly has only made my life hell! I would've done more worse to her than take her dad away! But it looks like she wants more." And then an Idea popped in my mind.

"You're right, she'd want more." I grab her arm and yank her down the hall.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" She yells. I dig my nails in her arm and she screeches. We make it outside just in time. The place goes to fire and we land on the floor.

"You-," she started but was cut off by someone grabbing her arm and yanking her up. I looked up and saw one of my guys.

"Take her in the car and make sure she's secure. Don't let her escape." He nods and we quickly make our ways to the cars and to the house. 

Sorry for a late update, my phone is being trash and that's where I usually publish the chapters. My iPad wasn't any help either until now. So, I hope you enjoyed reading. 

Vote, comment, and share, whatever! 


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