chapter 88

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For a whole week everything has been quiet and lonely. I wake up in the early morning to an empty bedside by me, and I'd usually just go downstairs and check up on Caleb, but he's not here.

I've cried myself to sleep this whole week. In the shower, when I'm about to go to sleep, or when I have the whole living area and kitchen to myself. Sean is with me all the time, but I just ask to have time to myself most times. I barely eat but I do when Kayden, Hannah, Eric, or Sean are around. It's only been a week and I already feel so drained. I hate feeling so lonely in this huge house, in the bed, and in the room where Caleb and I both decorated.

I went to go visit him on Wednesday, he seemed to be doing fine, but I just can't help the feeling of loneliness. He was right in front of me but I just wanted him to hold me and never let me go.


"Pay me and you'll stay safe in here, no one will ever mess with you." A guy kept telling me. He's been telling me this ever since I first came in here. I keep my mouth shut but he keeps repeating the same thing and I just want to tell him something that will keep his mouth shut.

"Or my homies over there will beat you up." I look over to were he was looking at. I chuckled when I saw them. They had a bunch of tattoo's, some on their faces, especially the tear ones. Their skin was pale, but not to the extreme, some were tan and other's brown. I can tell the one in front of me is Mexican, though.

I chuckled. "I don't have to do shit for you. You see, I have people outside this prison who work for me, who have killed many people who owe me. They kill whoever they see and won't care who they are. Don't threaten me when your just a little hood rat homie while I'm a made man in the mafia." His eyes drop then I chuckle. He walks back over to his gang and I sighed.

Who did Valentino hang out with when he was here? Not that I need anybody, just curious since he was an ass.

"Sorry I'm late." Hannah tells me. She puts Katherine down on the floor and I see that she gets up and starts walking slowly.

"OMG, Hannah." I say shocked.

"Yeah. She was doing that this whole week. You have no idea how proud I am of her." I smiled. This is great news. Hannah was worried Katherine wasn't going to walk any time soon, and there she is walking over to the couch and reaching for the remote. I walk over and turn it on for her, putting on some show on Netflix for her.

"Let's make you into a barbie." Hannah says, catching me off guard.

"Wait, what?" I ask. I see her hand and she's carrying a clear purse with makeup in it. I look at her in shock.

"Oh c'mon, you need a distraction." I groan and we walk to the bathroom. Hannah saw Sean walking out of the kitchen and told him to look after Katherine. He did with no hesitation. Hannah put foundation on my face, and whatever goes under the eye, mascara? No, that's for the lashes, I don't know why I said that. I don't know what it's called but it goes under the eye. She put a shit ton of blush and i look like a whiter version of my mom. My mom loves blush.

"Haizly, stop moving." I groan.

"Well stop breathing on me." She smacks my arm but continues with blending.

"You're being such a baby." She says.

"You're the one complaining." She groans and smacks me again so I smack her back. She sighs and continues with my makeup. I hear footsteps coming towards the bathroom, thinking it was Eric I didn't say anything.

"Hey." A surprising voice said. I turned around to face Kayden. He stood on the doorway awkwardly, both his hands in his jean pockets.

"Hey." I say and stand up.

"Hey, I'm not finished." Hannah says.

"Ah, you got time. Go bother your boyfriend for the time being."

"I swear you and Caleb were meant to be." I smiled at her but she just rolls her eyes as she leaves us in here.

"Sorry I've been dodging you this week. I was just a little scared." I nodded and crossed my arms over my chest.

"That's fine, Kay. I would be scared, too. I couldn't be next to Caleb without being scared, but I loved him so I stood by him all the time." I chuckled. "But no really, it's fine. Just as long as you don't officially drop me because of it." He shakes his head.

"I couldn't drop you. You're my best friend." I smile. "Have you seen Caleb?" He asks and I sighed. A long and deep one.

"I did on Wednesday. But I couldn't help but feel so lonely even while he was right in front of me." Kayden nods.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this. But he'll be back soon." I smiled and nodded, but I'm sure my smile doesn't reach my eyes. I brush off the hurt and loneliness and and smiled brightly at him.

"So, I know someone who has a crush on you." He looks at me in a 'i don't wanna know' look. "What do you say about a tall, skinny, tan skin with brown curly hair with brown eyes?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Are you talking about Cecilia?" He asks and I nod."Isn't she like the enemy?"

"Yes and no. No because she has claimed that Crystal was abusing her and blackmailed her into doing this. And yes because we don't officially know if she's for real." He nods.

"But if she isn't guilty, I can date her?" He asks and my eyes widen.

"Yes, you can. Damn, Kayden, I think you also have a crush." He rolls his eyes.

"Ugh, stop. I always have the worst taste in girls." I nod.

"True, but Cecilia might be different than the bitches you dated." He looks at me.

"You're right." I smiled.

"Now, are you going to stay and hang so Hannah can finish my makeup? Or are you leaving?" I ask.

"I'm staying, I want to see the whole look on you cause right now you only have one eyelash on and it's bugging me." I swat at him.

"Dick." He just chuckles.

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