chapter 67

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"You did not just . . ." I say when I see Hannah accidentally drop the white paint on the beige carpet. Hannah looks at me in shock.

"I am so sorry. Really, Haizly. I just put the brush in the paint and when I turned around the paint spilled. I really-,"

"Chill, Hannah, I was just messing with you." I say as I laughed. "I was going to get rid of that carpet either way." Hannah frowns and throws the paint at me.

"Now I know why Caleb chose you." She says, a small smile on her face. I gasp as the cold paint covers my face.

"Hannah!" I yell. I did not expect her to do that.

"Payback." She says. She has a smug smirk on her face. I shake my head and walk over to the rags that we keep on the couch just in case. I wiped my face and hair. I might have to go wash it out before it dries.

"I'm gonna go wash my hair." I tell her. She shrugs and turns around to continue painting the wall. I smirk, grab my brush and fill it with paint. I run over to her and the paint goes all over her back. She was wearing a white shirt with shorts and it got all over her legs. She gasped and shrieked, making me laugh.

"That's so cold!" She says and I laugh.

"Now you know how that feels." I walk away from her, a giant smirk on my face as I walked to the bathroom. I turned on the faucet and wet the rag. Once it was wet I put it on my hair and made sure to get out all the paint.

I hear the door opening then closing. Footsteps and voices were heard from the living room. There were footsteps coming closer to me but before I know it Caleb pops up.

"Hey." He says. I smile at him through the mirror.

"Hi." I reply.

"So here's the plan, Chinese food tonight with some Gilmore Girls." He says. "Maybe we can get chop sticks since I know you like to flaunt knowing how to use those." I chuckle and face my body towards him.

"That sounds great. But maybe we should finish Vampire Diaries." Caleb scoffs.

"Are you kidding? Elena's annoying. Not to mention so is Klaus." I giggle.

"But he's a sexy annoying character." Caleb rolls his eyes.


"But Rory also gets annoying in the season we're on." He shrugs.

"Fine, fine. Vampire Diaries." I smile.

"Okay." He rolls his eyes before he leaves the bathroom. After I took out the paint from my hair I walked back to the living room where Hannah and Katherine weren't at. I frowned and decided to go to the kitchen. When I walked in, Katherine was in her high chair and Hannah was on the stove cooking something.

"What are you making?" I ask.

"Some mac and cheese for Katherine. Also, we're leaving in a little. Eric just went to talk to Caleb." I nod.

"How does it feel to be married finally?" Hannah asks me. I sit on the island and sigh.

"It feels pretty surreal, still. We've been engaged for two years and just two weeks ago we got married."

"I want to get married. But Eric doesn't want to." I frowned.

"Why's that?" I ask.

"I don't know. I've asked him a couple times but he doesn't reply to me. He literally ignores me as if I'm not there." I hear her sniffle. I get off the counter and walk over to her and put my hand on her back.

"I'm sorry." I say soothingly. "Maybe there's a reason behind why he doesn't want to get married. Cause wasn't he married the first time with his two kids?" I ask and she nods.

"Yeah and they got a divorce five years ago. I don't understand why he doesn't want to marry me. I mean, I see you and Caleb living happy as a married couple, why can't Eric do that with me?" She sniffles again.

"I don't know, hon. Everyone is different. I mean, I used to tell Caleb I never wanted to marry him. I said that because I actually thought I wasn't going to, but look at me now."

"But that's you. Caleb somehow convinced you to." I frowned and shook my head.

"He didn't convince me, I opened up myself to that because I was a teenager in love. I mean- I'm still in love, like crazy- but I was scared of commitment. I was scared the marriage wouldn't last." Hannah sighs and sniffles.

"I can try to ask him again, but I don't think I'll be successful getting an answer." She turns back around and cooks the pasta. I nod and walk to the fridge to get a snack. I decided on a cold apple with a water.

Hannah left shortly after that. Caleb and I ordered food and continued watching Vampire Diaries, but Caleb wouldn't stop talking throughout the whole thing, saying how annoying Elena is and how she should just follow orders.

I agree, but also told me to be silent and watch the show.

After that, we cleaned up and went to the kitchen to put some dishes in the cabinet.

"I have news." Caleb says. "It's . . . weird news, actually." I frown. I grab the plate from Caleb's hand and dry it with a rag then put it in the cabinet by the sink.

"And what is that?" I ask, a smile but worried look on my face.

"I went to go visit Valentino in prison today." My head shot at him.

"And then?" I ask.

"Ivanov, a new wannabe Russian Mafia, asked for a meeting with the both of us. It was actually really weird, he did not know how the mafia worked. He wanted to take over Valentino's mafia because he was in prison." I roll my eyes.

"If he wanted to be a mafia boss he should've had done some re-search." I giggle. "You can't take over another mafia unless that mafia boss trusts you." I roll my eyes. Then I stop in my tracks. "He didn't accept, did he?" I ask.

"No, he didn't. That Mafia business is way more important than me to him." I sigh and look at him.

"That is not true." It isn't. Valentino has tried showing Caleb that he's always going to be there for him and that he's sorry he left and was a bad father to him. It's hard trusting someone after they've done you wrong, I get it, but Valentino is trying. That's what matters.

"It is. He started the mafia as soon as he left me." He gave me the last dish, I dried it and put it in the cabinet.

"Caleb, I know that it's hard for you to trust him again. In fact, take your time, torture him, make him feel like crap for leaving you. But just know that he's trying now." I place my hand on his upper arm to make him look at me. He does and he rests his hands on my waist.

"I love that you understand me." I chuckled lightly.

"Well I've been through it. Although that fucker never looked for me." Caleb shakes his head and leans in to give me a kiss. I smile in the kiss and rub his back.

"Let's go to bed." I tap his back when I pull away. A huge grin on my face.

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