chapter 72

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"Haizly! Haizly!" I was awoken by a loud voice and hands on my shoulders shaking me awake. I open my eyes with a gasp and look around me. Confused, I look at Valentino who was staring down at me in concern.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I clear my throat and nod. "Where's Caleb?" I ask as I sit up. Hes still looking at me with concern as if I'm going to break at any moment. I might, from the stupid nightmare.

"He's downstairs in his office. He's leaving in an hour to do some business and I'm going with him." He paused for a little to inspect me. "Are you sure your okay? Did you have a nightmare?" He asks. I sigh and rub a hand through my face.

"Yeah, it was." I say, sounding disappointed that I thought they went away but no, they came back. "And I'm okay. Um, I'm going downstairs." I say then remove the blanket from my body and get off the bed. I don't look at him as I get off the bed and walk into the bathroom and close the door.

"Haizly, are you sure you're okay? I-,"

"I am fine, Valentino. Please just leave me alone." I say as I wipe away some sweat from my forehead. I grab the white hand towel and wipe my face. I heard Valentino's footsteps getting out of the room and closing the door behind him. I let out a sigh and look in the mirror.

"Again? These fucking nightmares will kill me one day." I say in annoyance. I take my hair out of its ponytail and put it in a bun to wash my sweaty face.

I'd honestly rather not even think of the nightmare. It's traumatizing. Memories of it send shivers down my spine and I feel like I could scream.

I brush my teeth and head out of the bathroom to change. I changed into some black jeans and a grey t-shirt. I made my way downstairs, feeling like I'm just dragging my body on the floor when it's just my feet. I knock on Caleb's door and he says to come in, so I push the door open and see Caleb looking at me.

A smile went on his face but he saw that I didn't have one and instead looked like a zombie from Norman. Or at least that's how I felt.

"Are you okay? Are you feeling sick?" He asks. I walk over to him and sit on his lap.

"Just a really bad nightmare." I mumble in a sigh. I don't look at him as I tell him this, instead I look at his desk that has paperwork and all that stuff.

"You haven't gotten those in a while? Do you want to talk about it?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No. The last thing I want is to remember what the dream was about." His fingers go under my chin to make me look at him. His eyes are full of concern, and that's when I realized how much Caleb and Valentino's eyes looked so much alike. It's nice in a way, but disturbing because I have sex with Caleb and I stare into his eyes most of the time.

A chill runs up my back in discomfort.

"Was it really that bad?" Caleb asks, his brows furrowed in concern. I bite my lip and nod, not wanting to tell him what I was really thinking of.

"How about when I get back from business I can spend the whole day with you. In the meantime call Kayden or Hannah to be here with you."

"It's fine. Maybe I'll go over to Kayden's. I miss him either way." I chuckled. I look at Caleb to see him looking at me already, a small smile on his face.

"Have I ever told you how truly fucking grateful I am to have you?" He asks, a smile on his face and a stern but playful tone.

"Yes, you've told me a couple times, but guess what, I am also truly deeply grateful . . . that you have me." I joke and laugh. Caleb nudges my arm, a smile on his face as he scoffs.

"Oh shut it." He says.

"I'm just kidding. You know I'm grateful for you, too. Always." I say and lean in to give him a kiss. My hand goes to his cheek as we continue kissing.

His hands go to my waist and squeezes it as we both moan. My hand goes to his hair, tugging and massaging his head, while the other rested on his chest.

I love this man so much.

"Caleb, I think we-," i hear Valentino say as he comes in the door without knocking. I stop kissing Caleb and look at Valentino who looked at us and "oh'd" then covered his eyes.

Caleb groans and rolls his eyes.

"Next time, knock." He says, anger and annoyance laced in his tone. I bite my lip and get off Caleb's lap.

"I'm gonna go call Kayden and ask him if he's free. Love you." I say then kiss him.

"Love you." He says before I leave. I pat Valentino's shoulder before leaving the office. I make my way back upstairs to get my phone. I check the time and it reads 9 a.m. which kind of shocks me because even though I hate waking up early, I wake up early.

I unlocked the cell and phoned Kayden. On the third ring he answered.

"Hello." He says into the receiver.

"Hey. Did I wake you?" I ask. He takes a while to answer so I'm kind of nervous of what he's going to say.

"No, actually. I didn't notice the time was 9. I was up the whole morning trying to get some painting on set. I want it to be sold by Saturday." I nod.

"Right, the painting. How is it coming along?" He sighs.

"I mean, its coming along. There's just something off with it. I literally can't freaking tell." I chuckle.

"Well how about I come over there and see it for myself."

"You do that. And on your way, pick up some ice cream and wine, please." He says before hanging up.

I smile and stand up on my feet.

I better feel better when I get to his house.

This is a boring chapter, sorry. And I was supposed to update yesterday but this chapter wasn't done and I was busy :/
But I have a HUGE plan for the ending of this book.
Oh God, this book is almost over :(
And there's going to be a third book ;) be ready for that.

I think I'll update another chapter today. I think! Haha, okay, bye.

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