chapter 81

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"Caleb, can I?" Eric asks, eager to destroy something in here. I nod, not keeping my eyes off the owner. Eric starts breaking the glass on the bar, which made people look at him like if he were crazy. Snyder joined him on breaking the glass.

"You have a choice to make, Martin. Either hand over to the bar or this whole place will be destroyed." I say. Eric goes behind to the bar but waits for what Martin says.

"You don't understand, Mr. Scott. I built this with my own hands, made this into a business." I nodded.

"And I'll give you money once you hand over the place. If you don't, these boys will destroy the place. It will take months to get this place back up and running. So what do you say?"

Martin looks at me, then at Eric and Snyder, to the guys behind me, then back at me.

"if I agree, I don't want you coming after me again like this. I have done nothing to you." I tsk and walk closer to him.

"The mafia gets what they ask for. They don't just go for bad guys, Martin, they go for guys like you, with big business." His nose flares. "I tried doing this the right way."

"By destroying my cups and wine?" Martin asks in disbelief.

"Unless you want me to shoot your leg until you sign those paper's." I nod towards the bar where the paper's sit perfectly, a pen right next to it.

"And like I said, if I give you the bar, do not come after me again. I have a wife and a child that I don't want you to harm." I chuckled.

"Ah, so you're trying to make a deal?" I ask in a chuckle. "Fine, have it your way. I won't go after your wife or kid, but if you get me upset, I can't promise I'll go after you." Martin nods.

"I won't get you upset, Scott. Just don't go near them." I nodded.

"Sign the paper's, go on." I say as I take a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket. I light it and take a long drag. I walk over to him to see him sign it. Martin Sawyer.

"That wasn't so hard, now was it?" I say as I chuckled. Eric smiled when he got the signed paper's.

"Get him out of here." I tell the guys. They each grab him by an arm and walk up the stairs and out the door.

"Eric, I have something to say." I say to catch his attention.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Be business partner with me. We can manage this bar together." Eric smiles.

"Really? Of course, yeah." He says.

"Sign the paper's. We've got some decorating to do to this dump." I look around the place, feeling like it needs a new modeling. "Who chooses gold and green as the theme? Better off red than green, eh." I say. The chandelier looks good how it is.

"Or white." Snyder says when he goes over the bar to get where I am. I leaned an arm on it and watched as people walked out of here.

"If I go to prison some time this week, go after Martin Sawyer. Understand?" I tell them and they nodded.

"Of course, Scott." I nod then grab a bottle of vodka.

"Eric, grab some glasses." I say. Eric grabs five shot glasses, I pour the drinks.

"To a new business." I say as I raised the cup. They did the same and we clicked them together, then took the shot.

"Alright boys, grab those drinks. We're celebrating tonight." I say as I take another shot. "Cut up some limes." I tell Eric.


When I wake up, Caleb isn't on the bed. I sighed and wondered if he was in his office. I get out of bed and decided to take a shower. I took my time in there since I had an hour before I had to go pick up Toto and Marcus. That's what Anna came up with. I don't know where she came up with Toto, though.

After the shower I go into the closet, the cold air hitting my skin. I shivered and turned on the light for the closet. The lamp on the dresser is the only light igniting the room, and I can see perfectly. Besides the closet, the light won't hit the closet even though it's right next to the light.

I took out a light pair of jeans with a dark grey long sleeve shirt. I got out some white shoes and set them on the bed. I put on lotion all over my body and let my hair air dry before I decide what to do with it. After putting on lotion, I changed into the outfit and put on the shoes. I didn't know what to do with my hair so I just left it like that.

I grabbed a jacket before going downstairs. I entered the kitchen to find Sean drinking coffee and staring out the window. The backyard is really boring, I have to do something about it. Maybe I can ask Ismael to help me think of ideas. He loves to garden and make the backyard look pretty. His backyard is pretty.

"Simple, I know." I say to him. He looks at me and chuckles.

"Not really." He lies.

"Don't lie, the pot is steamy hot." I joke which makes him chuckle. I pour some water in a mug and and grab the coffee which was on the island behind me. I pour a spoonful of it along with some sugar then take a sip. I moaned and continued to drink it.

"I have to go pick up Toto and Marcus. Coming?" I ask when I am done with my coffee. It didn't take me long to finish it. He nods then puts his mug in the sink. I walk out of the kitchen.

"Do you know where Caleb is? He wasn't here last night." I know he told me not to worry but I can't help it.

"He's at a bar right now. Don't worry, he has some good news." I sighed then nodded. I walked out the door after grabbing my keys.

"Here, you drive." I say as I give Sean my keys. He looks at me confused. "Why waste gas on two cars?" I ask then get in the car. He gets in the driver's seat and starts the car. Plus, it feels good to not drive for once.
I felt like publishing a chapter today :) I don't know if I should publish another, though.
Anyways, hope you liked it :))

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