chapter 66

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"Sir, Mr. Ivanov has requested a meeting with you and Valentino. But I had told him that Valentino was in prison, so he requested you go to the Jail to see Ivanov and Valentino." That was too much in one sentence. I sighed and leaned back in my chair.

"Did he have a specific reason why he wanted to meet?" I ask him.

"He said it was about a half share for the business?" He said in more of a question. I furrow my brows and lean my elbows on my desk, invested in this.

"What the hell does he mean by that?" I ask.

"I don't know, sir. But he also said it was urgent." I nodded and excused him. I grabbed my phone from the drawer and checked the messaged from Haizly, all but one being the changes of the living room, and just one about her checking in on me and the mafia. I don't want to worry her with this. Especially because these are the days I've seen her so happy. And if I tell her I'll handle this, she'll want to get in the way and do it her way, which is something I don't need right now.

So I'll just keep this from her, even if it angers her.

I made Sean and George to go with Haizly and Hannah to watch over them since the guys that are over there are only outside and the ways anyone could easily sneak in to. William hacked into the jail's whereabouts and all the easy ways to get out in case Ivanov has something different planned out. I have two guys by my side, Snyder and Elliott.

An officer leads us through the halls of the visiting room, then closes the door behind us. Ivanov and two other guys are sitting at one table, none of them moving or speaking, just a huge smile on Ivanov's face. I had a straight face, not giving away that I was a little mad at whatever he was going to say. I had business to finish back at the office but this moron decided that it would be a good idea to have a meeting in the middle of the day like he has nothing better to worry about.

I mean, considering everyone doesn't like him much.

"Hello, Scott. It's nice to finally meet you." He says as he stands up and extends his hand for me to shake. I look at him with a furrowed face.

"Germophobic." Was all I said before taking a seat in a different table but one that is facing him.

"Hmm, that doesn't stop you from killing, does it?" He asks, a smirk on his face as he sits back down.

"What does it matter to you what I do? Blood isn't as toxic as hands that I don't know who they've touched." I say with a shrug. He continues to have a smirk on his face. There was a ring at the door and it opens. Two officers have their arms around Valentino. He was wearing an orange suit, his hair is slicked back, and he got a new tattoo on his arm. I can't make out what it is yet, but all I know is that it has feather's.

"Caleb, hi son." Valentino says with a smile. I nod towards him, a sly smile on my face. The two officers unuffed him but made sure to cuff his legs to the table.

"To what do i owe the pleasure of being interrupted from a work-out? And who the hell are you?" Valentino asks Ivanov with a confused look on his face, his eyes roaming Ivanov.

"I am Ivanov-,"

"Oh, you're Russian. Great." Valentino says in sarcasm and a roll of his eyes. He sighs. "Ivanov, what the hell do you want? Don't you think my time here in prison isn't busy like it is outside? You better get started with what you want before I get those two idiots behind the bars to take me back in." Valentino continued on. He looks at me with questioning eyes and I just shrug.

"For starter's, I'd like to say that we handle this like men." I look at Valentino and he flares his nostrils.

"Second, what I am about to say might tick you-," he points a finger at Valentino, "-off, I'm not sure. But I called this meeting because I know you're in prison but you have no one looking out for your mafia." Valentino sits straight rather than slumping on the bench. "Caleb has his own mafia, in fact, he has two mafias since Rafael has gone missing. No one has heard of that dick. And I know you won't get out of prison for at least another year or so, so I was just going to say that you should give me your mafia business so that I could run it. You lose money every week for not making business and you have no one anymore." I furrow my brows.

This motherfucker thinks he can just come here and tell my dad to give him his mafia? I lose my temper when it comes to the mafia and anything revolving around it.

Valentino has a small smile on his face, but I don't think he means that smile because he sighs and puts his elbows on his knees.

"You want my mafia, because no one is doing anything?" Valentino chuckles then adds, "Volv, you don't know shit, do you? How did you become a leader if you don't know shit? Or are you some wannabe that just heard of the word Mafia and thought it would be nice to "rule" one?" I chuckled darkly. Valentino looks at me and shakes his head.

"You don't just get to own someone else's mafia because they're in prison." I say.

"Yes, I've heard you can do that. In fact, Genovese did that for Gambino." I frowned again.

"Genovese didn't take over The Gambino's. Liborio is the boss of the Genovese crime family, and Gotti took over the Gambino's. So you obviously don't know your history." I say, my hands folded on the table, my back straight and a straight face. My right eyebrow slightly raised to make it seem more intense.

"You see, if you're going to become a boss of a crime family, you have to be trustworthy and have at least experience with these things. You don't become a boss just because you think it's cool." I continued.

"Ask me again and I will have one of my men go over to your house and rip out your heart." Valentino said, a stern tone and a straight face. "Because as a matter of fact, my business goes on even when I'm in prison. And like Caleb said, you need someone trustworthy and with experience to rule a mafia, and I chose to do just that. And if you didn't know, they're called underbosses." Ivanov looked down at the table, the two guys beside him are looking at each other but I can't make out what they're trying to say.

"If you have anything else to say, say it now, other than that, get out here." Valentino says with an annoyed sigh. Ivanov and his two guys get up and walk out. After they leave, Valentino looks at me.

"I have some news."

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