chapter 93

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A couple months later . . .

"Haizly Scott." I hear my name being called. I stood up from the chair and followed the doctor through the hall and into a blue walled room. She tells me to sit down and I do as told. She looks through her clipboard then sets it down on the table beside her before grabbing her computer. Everything is on electronics nowadays. I hate it. I don't always use my phone I only ever use it to call Caleb from prison or when I text Kayden and Hannah. Or really just to do my research. I do a lot of research on things that shouldn't even be important on my mind right now.

Nothing major, I guess. It's just simple (to me) but really important to other people. Like research on the mafia. I want to know what reporters are saying about Caleb and his business. I've even seen pictures of me on the websites. It's weird having my face on a cover.

I always did want to be famous, but I didn't want to be recognized by this. What will our kids think when they're grown up and see the cover of this website? That's if they're into the mafia. Which I hope not.

"Okay Mrs. Scott, you're here for your ultrasound?" She asks and I nod. "Please lay down and unbotton your jeans for me." I do as told and unbotton my jeans, pull up my shirt and lay back. The doctor puts on some gloves, grabs the screen and pulls it towards us where I lay. She grabs the gell.

"This might be a little cold." She says before applying it to my stomach. Surprisingly it wasn't. Usually it it since it just sits in here, which the rooms are very cold, so maybe that's why.

I look over at the screen and see nothing. She kept moving the wand and she smiles and points at the dots.

"That is one baby . . . and that is another." She says which makes me frown.

"Wait, there's two?" I ask. She nods.

"Yes." I stare at the screen in confusion. "Do you want to know their gender?" She asks. I feel shocked right now so I don't answer. How is this even possible? It's as if the universe said "oh since she's accepting being pregnant and being a mother soon, might as well give her one more" as if I can handle it!

Especially with Caleb away for another year.

"I'll just write it down for you and you can open it when you're ready." She says then turns around. I sat up and wipe the gell from my stomach before buttoning my pants and standing up. I pull my shirt down then stood there while waiting for the envelope.

Once she was done she handed it to me and I thanked her. She grabbed her clipboard and her computer before getting up from her chair. I walk out of the room.

"Let me get you those pictures." She says and I nodded.
The next day

After I showered I looked in my closet for an outfit. After the appointment yesterday, Hannah grabbed the envelope and shrieked. She wouldn't show me what it said, instead she said we're having a gender reveal. I was okay with it.

I didn't find anything to wear, even though there were a couple dresses and skirts in here. Something in the corner of my eye catches my eye. I look over at my bed to see a little box. I walked over to it and saw that it was a white dress. I gasped at how beautiful it was.

I'm pretty sure Hannah put it here so that I can wear it for today. I changed into it then opened the box. There was a pair of light nude heels with a thick wedge. This outfit is just so pretty. I feel like fangirling. It's just the hormones.

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