Chapter 61

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Song; Beige- Yoke Lore



The next morning I woke up twenty minutes earlier than Haizly. And in those few minutes I was up I checked my emails, but there was nothing new. The same old email from last night was still there and there were no new shipments.

I sighed in relief and turned off my cellphone. I decided to make breakfast and hurried up before Haiz wakes up.

I grabbed the phone and asked for pancakes, coffee, champagne, fruit, vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips on the side (for me), with cookies. Haiz and I will be eating a lot of junk for breakfast on our honeymoon days.

I went out into the patio to see the outside. Our room is faced to the back and not the front. The front has the pool and lot, but the back has trees and houses and apartment buildings.

The thought of coming to Oregon never crossed my mind. I don't know why Haizly chose this place when I've never heard her speak about this place. All I know from this place is that it rains, a lot. And more beautifully than New York. So I'd like to see that soon.

I heard a small groan then footsteps coming closer. I furrowed my brows and looked behind me but Haizly was right next to me before I could crane my neck further back.

"Hello handsome." She says with a small smile, her sleepy face looking cute.

"Hello beautiful. I ordered breakfast, should be up anytime soon." She nods. She turns her body towards mine then wraps her arms around my neck. She's only wearing one of my black shirts which go up to her thighs so when she wraps her arms around me, the shirt goes up, exposing her thighs and her pink panties.

"Hon, might want to cover up before I fuck you on that chair." I nod to the beach chair behind Haizly. She turns her head towards it then back at me with a smile.

"No thanks. My back will probably hurt." I chuckled and leaned down to kiss her lips. I kissed them twice before there was a knock on the door.

Haiz and I walked back inside and I grabbed my gun from the small table by the door. Haizly went to the kitchen but poked her head out.

I opened the door and saw a short man with black hair smiling up at me.

"Room service." He says with a nice friendly smile.

"Thank you." I say and grab the cart from him. I grabbed my wallet and payed him with a 100 dollar bill. He thanks me before walking away and I drag the cart to the kitchen where Haizly was sitting on the counter.

"You know there's a table right?" I ask.

"Yup. But I can see the view of the trees from here and it's cold outside." She gets off the counter. "What'd you get?" She asks as she tugs a strand of hair behind her ear, looking so beautiful.

I opened the lid to the pancakes and fruits. The vanilla ice cream sitting perfectly by the coffees and champagne.

"Oh, you got ice cream? Sick." She says as she grabs the ice cream and a spoon. She scoops it up and puts it in her mouth. I watch as she eats it happily, singing a tune from a song I don't recognize.

"What are you singing?" I ask her once I stopped staring and grabbing a fork to cut the pancakes.

"A John Mayer song." She replies which just makes me furrow my brows.

"Since-," she curs me off before I could finish my sentence.

"Since middle school. I loved John Mayer back then, but you what happened after that." She waves her hand at me. I sigh and nod.

"Do you want pancakes?" I asked her.

"You got pancakes?" She asks, her voice excited and she walks over to the cart.

"Of course I did. But you were too focused on your ice cream that I don't think you saw the pancakes." I chuckled.

"I didn't see them. The ice cream always calls my name. Especially vanilla." She says. She outs the bowl down on the counter then sits on top. I put the plate of pancakes and fruit on the counter as well, then went in between her legs as we ate.

We talked about random stuff like her college classmate she didn't like for some odd reason. Haizly just doesn't like anyone.

Once Haizly and I showered and got dressed, we headed out. We're going to The Natural Bridge where she said last night. She showed me a picture and not gonna lie, it looks great.

When we were there, though, Haizly was so hyper I couldn't control her. But why would I? She seems happy.

"We have to take pictures." She says.

"Nah, I think I'm fine." I say but Haizly turns to look at me with a small frown.

"You're gonna take a picture. I don't care if you complain. Now smile." She says when she puts the phone above us to take the picture. Before she clicked the button I moved my face to her neck and kissed her.

"Caleb, seriously? You looked cute." She whines.

"Ugh,  stop complaining." I groaned in her ear.

"You baby." She says then walks away from me. I blow out a breath and look around me to see the beautiful nature that surrounds us.

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