chapter 65

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Caleb actually stayed up the whole night to watch Vampire Diaries with me just so I can "surprise" him, but he also said because it was interesting when Elena finally became a vampire. I didn't tell him about Crystal's friend from last night. It's hard to trust someone you don't know, so if this girl is a fake, I will make sure to put her in with Matilde because I know how much of a torture that is.

I woke up earlier than Caleb this morning which feels weird since it's so quiet, besides the birds chirping. It feels weird not having car horns in your ear at night and the day. I got used to it after moving to New York. Not that Colorado isn't loud, it is. Cars will race in the middle of the night by my room and I'd just get angry and yell out the window to those people who did that.

I went into the kitchen to prepare coffee then stood by the window. The birds are actually really chill here in Seattle, they don't bother anyone like they do in New York. They will literally go to you and steal your food or peck your head. I'd just swat them away and won't give a fuck if I hurt them.

The water started making that whistling noise which startled me. I walked over to it and opened the lid then turned off the fire. Arms snaked around my waist, making me jump but instantly relaxing when Caleb's lips kissed my neck. I smiled and turned around to face his sleepy state.

"You woke earlier, that's weird." He tells me in a hushed whisper.

"That's what I thought when I saw you asleep still." I chuckled lightly. He kisses my temple then grabs a mug that was almost right next to us.

"I really wish we could just escape from home, I don't want to go back." I say. Caleb has poured the hot water in two mugs and passed me one.

"I know, baby. But we can't." I sighed and walked over to the coffee and sugar. I poured a whole spoon of coffee and a half spoon of sugar. I like my coffee extra black.

"What time do we leave?" I ask.

Caleb checks his watch on his wrist. "In two hours. So we can either go outside and enjoy our last hours here or we can stay in and watch Vampire Diaries. You decide." He says as he blows his coffee then sips it. I smile and walk over to him and peck his cheek.

"We're going out." I say to which he just sighed. I know I have drained him from going everywhere these past five days, but we'll be in New York for who knows how long and I just need to get out of a polluted city.

So finally in New York, we make it to our house. Wow, it feels really weird saying "our house" and not apartment. I have some adjustment to do. Sean and William were waiting by the door of the house.

"Good evening Mrs. Scott." William says with a smile and a nod. I nod at him and at Sean.

"Good evening." I say before I walk inside the house. I like the white couches in the living room, and I also like the white carpet it comes with the house, but this house needs some new decorations. Something old and not too modern. Either way, this is our house and we can do whatever we want with it. So I'll make a list on what I should do to fix this place up.

I make my way into the kitchen to prepare a coffee. Caleb dropped me off here so he could go to his building to check up on stuff. He told me there was a new guy trying to go after him so he has to take care of that. I also told him about Cecilia. So we are also trying to figure out a plan on those two things.

"Haizly?!" I hear that familiar voice call from the living room. I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where Hannah and Katherine were.

"Hey." I say as I walk over to them and hug them. She hugs me back and Katherine decided to touch my face and giggle. I smile at her.

"She has gotten big." I say. Hannah chuckles and puts Katherine down on the floor. She crawls and can sit on her own, I don't know if she can walk though.

"How was it? Tell me all about it." Hannah says as she sits down on the couch and makes me "spill the tea" to her, as she calls it.

Two hours go by and we're full of energy. We had two mugs of coffee, and we talked about Oregon and Seattle. I also told her that I wanted to remodel the living room since it is not mine or Caleb's style. So we decided to go to Home Depot and Home. And Katherine is coming along.

At the store we looked everywhere for what we needed and what we thought we would need. But we mostly just bought random things. I also decided to give the fire place a makeover since it looks plain just sitting there with nothing on it. I bought bricks and the  glue for it, then I bought picture frames while Hannah got the pictures printed in different sizes.

I told Caleb about the plan and he seems okay with it, just as long as I don't ruin how I have it in mind. I just laughed and flipped him off since we were chatting through camera. After Hannah and I payed for the stuff, we went back to the house to start re-decorating. I don't know why I didn't think of this before, then I wouldn't have to stress about the house. But it's also a good thing I'm doing it now and not before the wedding, the wedding itself caused me a lot of stress.

Sorry for not updating yesterday! I was going to but I was pretty much busy. I have some free time right now so I will be working on another chapter :)

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