chapter 26

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I make my way upstairs for the bathroom but I kept tripping over people who were making out on the stairs. I roll my eyes as I continued to walk upstairs, and I ignore the groans and bitchy comments.

When I do go upstairs I open the door of the bathroom to find it empty. Thank goodness.

I do my business and once I was done I wash my hands and look at myself in the mirror.

My life is so fucked up, I don't ever expect to recover any time soon. I've trusted Caleb with everything in me and he just suddenly breaks me. I don't know why I keep doing this. We fight then we make up and it's just a never ending cycle. It's annoying and tiring and instead of just doing things behind my back why not just fucking tell me he doesn't want to be with me anymore? It's not that hard.

Well for him. I obviously am still so fucking in love with him that I imagined dancing with him. But I can't help but wonder what he's doing right now. Is he with Matilde? Or is he crying because he wished he never did anything with her in the first place?

This isn't fair.

Someone pounded on the door and I groan. I open it and someone quickly walks in, not caring if I was still inside or if the door was still open. I roll my eyes and walk out.

"Haizly." I hear Kayden say from behind me when I make it down the stairs. "Let's go. I'm driving." I frown and shake my head.

"The night will get even more funnier with the shots. Funnier?" I giggle. "I'm meant- I mean I meant funner." Kayden looks at me with a frown and I giggle. "You're cute." I tap my finger on his chest and bite my lip. Then all of a sudden I felt my eyes close.

When I wake up the next morning I squint as the sun hit my face. I turn around and look around. When did I get here? I look down at my clothes but I was wearing shorts with the same shirt.

I don't usually sleep with pajamas since I'm either too lazy to change or just don't want too. Jeans are comfortable to me when I sleep.

I put my hand on my pounding head and groan. Why am I still in pain after I drink? I should be used to it by now, even if I haven't had a drink in over two years.

Caleb told me I drank too much and that clicked something in me. But we're all addicted to something, and alcohol was it for me. It took away all the pain in me- it made me forget. And that's what I will always need. Something to make me forget: even if that thing can kill me.

Groaning, I get up from my bed and walk over to the closed door. Caleb and I never had the door closed but that was because it was just me and him. I guess Kayden closed it last night when he brought me here. I don't remember a thing.

When I walk out Kayden and Emma are sitting at the table drinking coffee. That's also something Caleb and I didn't use. We'd just sit on the island.

"Hey, how did you sleep?" Kayden asks when he notices me. I frown and look at Emma then back at Kayden.

"Okay, I guess." He gives me a sympathetic smile, one that doesn't reach his eyes. I know he feels bad for me. I told him everything once I called him over to my place last night.

It's like all I can feel is pain. And I don't know how to get rid of it.

Snapping out of it, Kayden looks at the Emma in front of him who was staring at me.

"I hope you don't mind me being here." Emma tells me and I shake my head.

"I don't." I walk over to the bathroom in silence and close and lock the door behind me. I sigh and put my hands on the sink and lean down. This doesn't feel right at all.

The headache is killing me and my throat is dry. I feel the vomit rising in my throat and I run quickly to the toilet.

I stare up at the ceiling and think over my thoughts, replay the horrible memory of Haizly and I arguing. When I told her I cheated on her, the tears falling down her eyes, and she looked so broken. I've seen her cry some times when she wakes up from her nightmares but this time felt worse to watch. She doesn't deserve any kind of pain, considering what she went through- what she goes through with me.

I mean, how else was I supposed to drive her away? Matilde has been telling Haizly that we slept together in Brazil ever since she came to the States, and I thought that it would be a perfect plan to just do that. To tell her that it was true between me and Matilde- but I hated doing it.

Fuck do I miss her.

There was a knock on the door and I sit up and tell them to come in. Hannah and Katherine came in.

"Hey." Hannah says with a small smile. I nod towards her and take off the blankets off me to put on my pants and get on with the day.

"Uh, how are you?" She asks. I told her last night of the "fake cheating" shit. Of course she slapped me then punched me. She said I could've spoken to her first before I said anything to Haiz, but I wanted to do this myself. And maybe I could've had Hannah's help since obviously my plan wasn't a great one.

I'm so fucking stupid.

"Okay." I grumble as I pick up my shirt from the floor. Katherine's little hand touches my cold body and I turn to look at her. A smile is wide on her face and drool is covering her mouth. I pick her up and throw my shirt on the bed.

"Really? Because you look like crap." She says as she scans my face again. I sigh and shrug.

"It will be okay, right?" I say more to myself than her. I talk to Katherine in that baby voice and she giggles. I like the sound of her laughs, it's the only thing I hear now since I don't talk to Haiz or anyone for that matter. Other than Hannah when she asks me what I want for dinner.

"Why don't you just tell her what you did? It's best for you to stop the misery your putting her and yourself through." She says and I sigh. She's right, but I don't want Haizly here. I don't want her involved in the mafia. How is it easy for Eric and Hannah? She doesn't seem bothered at all about this and if she is then how does she hide it so well? How can she be so calm and still be here with me and have the baby here?

Should I kick her out and make her stay at her place until this war ends? Or should I just have every guy in the house to look after her? I can do either one. Some guys already look after them. Like Haizly has Sean and he's with her everywhere she goes.

But he hasn't texted me. Is it because Haizly asked him not to? I just wish I could talk to her again.

I look at Hannah who was staring at me with a soft expression, then says, "If you really love her, you wouldn't drive her away from you, you'd do anything to keep her safe and keep her with you," before she grabs Katherine from my arms and walks out of my room as she cooes at Katherine.

I couldn't upload because my cousin erased every app on my phone and I forgot my password, but I wrote it down so that's the good thing. I still have a lot to get back, though-

Anyways, vote, comment, share, and follow !!!

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