chapter 92

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"Have you spoken to Caleb?" Hannah asks me as soon as she sees me. I frowned and turned around to face her.

"Hello to you, too." I say in a small chuckle. She ignores me as she sits down on the stool that's right next to me. I look at her, drop the cookie and my phone on the counter, and chewed.

"No, I haven't. He's not allowed to have phone calls until after lunch." She frowns.

"You know his schedule?"

"Of course I do. I want to know when I get to talk to my husband." She nods.

"Well, mind sharing his schedule with his little sister?" She asks with both brows raised. I nodded and put my chin on my palm. She looks at the marbled island and sighs then looks at me. I can't tell what she's thinking or what she's about to say. Should I be worried?

"Um, I have to say something." She says.

"What's wrong, Hannah?" She takes a moment of silence and now I'm really growing worried. Did something happen to Katherine? To Eric and the business? "Hannah?" I call out to her softly. She looks at me.

"I spoke to Caleb's uncle, Crystal's dad-," she catches my attention at that. "-and he said that he can't do anything about Crystal because she has him blackmailed." I frown. This is bullshit. How can a dad be afraid of their own daughter? That guy must really not know discipline since he has his little curly haired rat running around and doing shit behind his back while she has him blackmailed, his own daughter. What the fuck?!

"Did he say of what, though?" I ask.

"No. But she's living with him at the moment, which he didn't say where, but he says that she hasn't been planning anything because he keeps tabs on her." I ran a hand through m oily hair and scrunched my face up. When was the last time I washed my hair? I should take one now.

"We should just let her slip for now until she returns to torture us." I say as I grab my cookies, a water bottle and my phone. I was about to walk away from her when she grabbed my arm.

"Haizly, she knows about your pregnancy." I clenched the water bottle in my hand and she noticed.

"Hannah, don't worry about that. Soon, we will have her ass and kill her. I'll do anything to protect all of us, especially this baby." She doesn't cover her worried face with what I just said, which I didn't expect her to. I'm not scared, I'm just angry that she always has to ruin my happy life with these people. I love them all to death and I'd do anything to keep them safe because they're my family and because I owe to them.

Especially Karmen.

She took me in like if I were her own daughter. I always feel at home with her, and I know it's selfish of me to say that when I have my own mom. Who still loves me but I can't accept all the things that I've been through as a child. I grew up an angry child, and I screamed at my mom for that when it wasn't her fault. It wasn't her that abused me or my siblings. She was the one who looked after us, who worked her ass off to get what we wanted, what we needed.

And I've never thanked her. Instead I put her through hell because of what my own dad made me go through. I know he did the same thing to Josh, but he abused me the most. He always made me feel so unwanted. And everyone stood by his side while being against me.

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