chapter 25

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I Wanna Be Sedated- Ramones
Dancing With A Stranger-  Sam Smith, Normani
Waiting Game- BANKS

"Why are we going?" Kayden asks me as he comes back in my room with a confused look on his face. I drop the lipstick on the dresser and turn around to face Kayden.

"Because I need to have my mind elsewhere besides Caleb, and because you and I hardly ever hang out anymore." I tell him. He looks at the floor and nods.

"I don't mean to sound rude but . . . will there be any mafia's chasing us tonight? If there is, I don't want to go." I sigh and stare at the worried look on my best friends face. I wish it were that simple. I wish I could tell him not to worry, that there are no mafia's out there chasing us. That we're not wanted.

But there are mafia's after Caleb and I- and Valentino. Especially him. And maybe going out isn't a good idea but I do have guns in my car and I'll teach Kayden how to use one. I know he'll object but it's the only way to be safe tonight.

I've been moping around the apartment just eating ice cream and watching Gilmore Girls. And I'm jealous of the relationship Rory and Lorelai have so it makea me eat even more junk.

I just wish it was okay to say that no one is after us tonight so we can have fun. A night out as young adults who literally haven't been out for years because of school and because of Caleb.


"Kayden, there's no one after us tonight. If there is then we can handle it- well I can. I can teach you how to use a gun? It's easy." I suggest and he shakes his head.

"No, no." He mutters with a shake of his head.

"Can we still go out? I promise I'll protect you." I put my hands together on my chest to beg him. He stares at my face then groans.

"Fine. But if anything goes down, just protect the people inside." I nod and turn back around to finish up my makeup.

After getting dressed in black ripped jeans and a grey long sleeve sweater with some boots, we head out. As much as I like my blonde hair, I'm thinking on going back to brown. Or another color. I've always just had blonde.

When Kayden and I arrive, we are greeted by drinks and high fives, even if we don't know the people. We might do, maybe by helping someone with their work? I tend to do that sometimes.

"Haizly!" I hear someone yell my name through the loud music. I turn and try looking for the voice. Kayden does as well and she comes up in front of me and I flinch at how sudden she came to me.

"Where have you been? I hardly see you in class anymore." Her face falls in horror. "Oh no, did you drop out? It seemed like you were doing well. You even helped me with stuff." She giggles to herself and I nod.

"I didn't drop out, I'm just doing it online for some time." She nods then takes a sip of her beer. When she was finished with that she glanced at Kayden and she smirks.

"Well, well, if it isn't Kayden Castillo." She walks over to him and when I look at Kayden he's smiling awkwardly. His hands are in his jean pockets and I laugh. He glares at me as I walk away. I can hear her asking him about himself but I don't hear his answer as I walk in the kitchen.

And of course, the Viniq bottle is waiting there for me. I go for it, take off the top, then take my first sip. I moaned at the taste when it hit my tongue.

After a couple more sips and some shots I took with random people, I felt like everything was spinning and I was glad to just not feel. The only thing I wanted to do was dance, and so I did.


I shouldn't have done what I did, but please just hear me out.

Baby, please come back. There's something I've been wanting to tell you.

Why aren't you replying?

Oh shit, I forgot for a second why. But please call me back, I need to hear your voice. Sean hasn't updated me on anything and I've been trying to reach him. He better be with you or I will fucking kill him!

I put my phone down on my desk and rub my face with my hands. I shouldn't have let her go. I should've stopped her. It was just an easy thing I could think of. We've already been through this before and she still believes me.

Of course maybe it's because Matilde keeps telling her we fucked in Brazil. Hannah and Valentino also think I slept with her, but I didn't. It was just an easy idea that I could think of to drive Haizly away for some time until this war with me and Rafael end.

But will she forgive me? Even if I tell her it was all a lie?


I throw the ball in the cup and shriek when it landed in the cup. The guy shrugged and drank whatever was inside.

"Your good at this!" The guy beside me tells me. I smile and bite my lip.

"I know." I yell back over the music. The guy on the other end throws the ball and it lands in one of ours. I groan as the guy beside me grabs a cup and drinks it. He shakes his head and his eyes are squinted. I don't know what is it those cups but by the look on his face it's very strong. Or maybe he's just weak. Either way, I want some.

After a couple more rounds, I grab the cup and swallow it all. The liquor burns in my throat and it has a great mixture. I don't know what it is, but I think it's lemonade.

When we were done with that game, the guy beside me took me to the dance floor and we danced. I look over to the couch and saw Kayden and the girl who greeted us talking. She's running her fingers through his hair and he's smiling at her while his cheeks are pink. I don't know if he's drunk or if that's his plan tonight.

I continue dancing with the stranger and wrap my arms around his neck to pull him closer to my body. The only thing I could think of how plump his lips are and how much I wanted to taste them. So I leaned in and his hands groped my behind. He moans in my mouth and I bite his lip.

"Let's go upstairs!" He yells and I shake my head.

"I'd rather dance." I tell him and turn around to continue dancing. He doesn't argue, he dances with me while I felt his hands on my hips.

I look in front of me and see Caleb. He's looking right at me then at the guy behind me. People pass by, and I furrow my brows as I try looking for him. When everyone passes by, they make a circle so that Caleb and I are facing each other.

The guy turns me around and starts kissing me and suddenly I think it's Caleb who's kissing me. Who is putting his hands on my ass, who has his hand on my jaw.

But then I realize that he isn't Caleb, and that Caleb wasn't here. I break the kiss apart and walk away. I know he's probably confused but I don't care.

I didn't take enough shots to forget about the pain.

Question: who do you guys see my character's played as? It can be a celebrity or yourself, doesn't matter. ->

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