chapter 89

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"Where are you headed after this?" Caleb asks, and I sighed.

"I'm going to go meet with your mom and Michelle for lunch, and then I'm going to the clinic because my stomach in the nights and mornings is not the best." He frowns.

"Has it happened all the time?" He asks.

"Just this whole week. It's pretty painful and I think I have the stomach flu. I hope it's that and not something else."

"Take care of yourself, Haiz. I don't want anything bad to happen to you." I scoff.

"I should be telling you that. You're in a place with no privacy and full of germs. Oh and criminals." He gives the eye and I chuckle.

"I fucking miss you." He says.

"I miss you, too." I wish I could kiss him right now. "But be a good boy and behave so you can get out of this dump." He rolls his eyes.

"God, I want to fucking kiss you right now." He mumbles as he stares at my lips.

"Pay the officer's so you can give me a fuck like Ted Bundy." Caleb's face scrunches up.

"Don't ever bring up that guy. He gives me weird vibes." I chuckle.

"Coming from a mafia boss, himself." He rolls his eyes.

"Next time, baby, I will be balls deep in you." I gasp.

"Oh, I can't wait." I say sarcastically but am actually excited about it.

"Okay, now beat it before I actually break the rules." I smile and blow him a kiss. He does the same. I get up from the seat.

"Love you." I say.

"I love you more." He replies. I smile then walk away.

I meet Karmen and Michelle at a small cafe that was built in the 60's. It's still in good shape. I spot Hannah with Katherine.

"Haizly." I hear Karmen exclaim o me. I smile and continue my way towards them. I set my purse next to me on the seat when I sit down, but I groan when I sit. My back has also been killing me. It feels like cramps and I am supposed to get my period soon. I see that Karmen is looking at my stomach and she noticed that I caught her. She looked somewhere else and  furrowed my brows.

"Where's Kayden?" I asked.

"He got caught up in work." Michelle answered and I nodded. Hannah played with Katherine and made her laugh. The waitress came over and smiled at them both.

"Is she your little sister?" She asks Hannah and I stay quiet. Hannah gets really offended when people ask her that. She's insecure that she had Katherine at a young age but she wouldn't have asked for things to be different.

"She's my daughter." Hannah replies, a hint of annoyance in her tone when she replies. The waitress has a shocked look on her face.

"You look so young." Hannah sighs.

"Are you going to take our order or ask about my life that is none of your business?" Hannah says which makes the lady's eyes go wide and makes a smile on my face go wide. I hide under my arm so the lady won't look at me.

"Please do not talk to me like that, young lady."

Hannah laughs. "Well then before you say something, think things through. And don't get in anyone's business. If you don't know me, then don't ask me questions like that." Karmen kicks Hannah under the table but Hannah shrugs her shoulders.

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