chapter 3

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When I awoke, my head was pounding and the cold material I was on was burning hot. I opened my eyes but it stung. It hurts too much. When I open them fully without flinching I look at my surroundings. I'm on the concrete and the sun is hitting me hard.

I groan and stand up. I checked my pockets for my phone and it was in my pocket. Thank God.

I opened it and dialed Caleb.

"Haizly? Where are you? Are you okay?" A worried Caleb asks and I sigh.

"I'm fine Caleb. I just . . . I just got kidnapped by some guys." I put my hand on my head and sighed at the pounding of it.

"Tell me where you are." He says urgently. I look around me but all I see is a white house and it looks the same in the small place. I hum and walk to the right. I turned a corner and walked through the valley to find the road.

"Hold on, we have contact with your phone." Caleb says and I sigh in relief. I want to get out of here as soon as possible. Who knew Brazil would turn out like this? I did expect a lot of drug Lord's and Mafias, but I thought I would just stay in the plane doing my work and eating some good stuff here. But no, this is fucking reality.

I mean, why the hell go after me? The hell did I ever do to that ridiculous asshole? Nothing! But he will hear from me when I see him again. Obviously I couldn't do anything to him because my hands were tied, but I will not hesitate on cutting off his head with an axe.

A car pulls up next to me and they open the door. I get ready to run but I see Caleb walk out and walk towards me. I run to him and hug him tightly.

"Fuck baby, I'm so sorry." He says on my shoulder. His arms wrap around my waist tightly and I whimper in fear.

"Don't ever leave me alone again, Caleb." I say. He pulls away and kisses my forehead.

"Never." He moves to the side and I get in the car. The car starts moving and I watch the view outside the window. Today would've been a good day if the asshole didn't kidnap me.

"Haizly, who kidnapped you?" Caleb asks from beside me, his voice sounding with sympathy but anger. I sigh and look at him.

"His name was . . . Rafael." He frowns. He looks away from me and outside the window of the front. I stay silent to let him figure it out himself. I don't know that if I'd speak and say something to try and help him with this will work. I hardly know how to figure these things out. I've never even heard of the name Rafael as a drug lord. Or mafia.

"I'm thinking of someone." Caleb says, breaking the silence. I look at him and wait for him to speak again. He seems to be way deep in thought because his eyebrows are furrowed and he looking down at the seat in front of him. Then as if like a light bulb lit on top of his head, he turned to me with wide eyes.

Fear struck over me to hear his thoughts.

"I think I have someone in mind." He replies.

"Why the hell would he be after us? I finished the job for him, I did him a favor!" I yell. My anger is getting the best of me. I put my hands on my face and I paced in our living room.

Throughout the whole flight back here, Caleb and his crew were trying to figure out if what they were thinking was true. And yes, Caleb was thinking right.

"I don't know, Haizly. But we'll figure it out." He stands up from the couch and walks over to me. He puts his hands on my upper arms to stop me from pacing and make me look at him. "I promise." I sigh and lean onto him.

Rafael is Alessandro's younger brother. And I seriously don't know why Rafael is going after us if I did the job for him on killing Alessandro.

I don't want to hurt Kayden again by this. I've already lost him once and I was devastated. He's the only friend that really understands me and is always there for me. Rosie and Maya are now knocked up and don't have plans for me to hang out with. I've met their children, and I hate how much of brats they all are. They're only three and they get on my nerves already. The smallest of Maya is actually not a brat, she's more of a quiet and shy. And I like that.

"Why would Rafael want his own brother dead?" I ask then get out of his grip. He stares down at me, no emotion in his eyes or his features.

"Alessandro wasn't at all a nice person, as you know. When I went to have a meeting with Alessandro, he treated Rafael like some servant." I frown. I don't talk to my sister but I would never treat her bad. Mostly because she'd defend herself from me.

Then a thought came to mind which scared me.

"Caleb . . . how did Rafael know where we were?" I ask. I furrow my brows and look at him in fear. He stares at me, like he hadn't thought of that before.

"I don't know. There might be a rat who's working for me, or he has really good men to track people for him." I run my hand through my tangled hair and sigh. This is going to be a hectic year, I just know it.

"Leave it to me to worry about, Haiz." Caleb says with anger in his voice but I can hear the sympathetic meaning behind it. I ignore him and start walking to our bedroom.

"I won't. This is on me too. He kidnapped me, he hasn't told me what he wants yet, but all I know is that he wants war. So yes, Caleb, I am in this to worry about too." I say as a matter of factly. I don't want to be in danger by some criminal and have nothing to do about it. I want to know every detail that goes on, everything about his life. In that way I can use it against him. I want to know who's working for him as well, because I will not let him get away with this.

And it scares the shit out of me to do this, but I have to.

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