chapter 79

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"Haizly? Please answer me you're scaring me." Hannah says when she puts a hand on my shoulder. I get away from her grasp and out of the laundry and upstairs. I lock myself in the bedroom and go over to the bed.

The tears won't even fall. My heart is hammering against my chest and I feel like I can't breathe. My hands and legs are shaking as if I'm cold, but it's a warm day today.

"Haizly, please open the door." Hannah knocks on the door and tries to wiggle the doorknob, as if that's going to help. I don't want to see anyone, especially not Caleb. I know he's coming home today, and I might start a huge fight with him because of this. I mean who wouldn't?

Hannah stopped asking for me to open the door a couple minutes ago. I just hope she didn't go downstairs to get a knife to open the door. I also hope Sean doesn't worry about me.

I check the time on the computer and see that in at least twenty minutes Caleb and Valentino are coming home. I sighed and sat up, wiping away the old dried up tears.

The door wiggled again and I sighed.

"Hannah, please stop trying to get in here. I don't want to see anyone."

"It's not Hannah." A surprising voice alerted me. My heart hammered against my chest. Fuck.

He was supposed to be here twenty minutes later, not now. Why is he early?

The words that I was going to say to him are now vanished. I didn't know how to start the conversation now.

I get up from the bed and over to the door. I open it to see Caleb there, a huge smile on his face. I frowned.

"Hey, you okay? Hannah said something I couldn't understand." He chuckles lightly. I stare up at him and he has a small smile, and I feel like I can't even bring up the conversation I've practiced in my head all these hours. Just seeing him here again with me makes me want to hug him because he's now here. And I've missed him.

"Haizly, baby, you okay?" He asks softly.

I shake my head.

"I know what you did, Caleb." I sniffle again. He frowns and looks at me in confusion. "Was this all just a fucking joke?"

"Wait, what are you talking about? What did I do?" He asks. I shake my head and scoff. I walk inside the room and over to the bed.

"What did you do?" He nods. "You fucking kissed that Brianna bitch! Is that why you went to Russia? Because you wanted to spend some time with her? I mean, you could've just fucking told me. I wouldn't have stayed here and waited for you like a little bitch." I yelled at him.

"I did kiss her, but hear me out."

"So you did." My heart sank even more than it did when I saw the picture. "How do you know, anyway?"

"The News on Google. If you knew there were people who knew about you, why go out and do this? Even after marrying me?!"

"I didn't do it to cheat on you. I didn't enjoy it nor did I wang it to happen. It was Brianna. She kept bugging me about how she liked me so I grabbed her and kisses her." I gasp.

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