chapter 17

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"Are you okay?" Sean asks. I look up at him and nod with a small sigh. It hurts like shit but the doctor is putting some numbing cream on the wound.

"Where did they take my dad?" I ask him softly. My head is pounding and all I want to do is sleep in Caleb's arms. I want all of this to go away. I want to have things the way they were.

"He's in a different room. They're taking out the bullet, which was almost close to his heart." I let out a breath. I don't care if it was close to his heart or if he dies. I just want him to leave me alone.

I never intended to kill his son. It was just a prank.

"Haizly!?" I hear the heart warming voice yell. I snap my head to the side and I see my breath taking handsome fiancee standing there with worry in his features.

"Baby, are you okay?" He asks as he cups my cheeks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just my arm." He looks at my arm then kisses my forehead.

He looks at Sean. "Why didn't you stop him?" He barks at him.

"Caleb, don't do this. It wasn't his fau-,"

"Yes it is! He's the reason your arm is bloody!" He points at my bloody arm.

"But I'm the one who stood in front of him. I was the one who got my father angry." Caleb runs a hand through his hair. He thinks for a while then sighs.

"Just, make sure her arm gets better." Caleb tells the doctor, who's standing beside me. He gives Caleb a nod. Caleb looks at the doctor before glaring at Sean then giving me a worried look.

"What are we going to do about my father?" I ask Caleb as we walk inside the house.

"Keep him locked up. I do own half the police departments in New York." We walk towards the kitchen. It would be better if my dad would be locked up and kept under supervision.

Wait, what about Karen?

"What do you say I cook you something?" Caleb says as he looks through the cabinets for something to make.

"Uh, yeah. I'm just gonna go see Hannah." He turns around and nods. I get off the stool and make my way to Hannah's and Eric's room. I knock on the door and they tell me to go in.

"Hey." I say. Hannah is on the bed with Katherine while Eric is standing up with his phone pressed to his ear.

"Hi." Hannah says as she waves with Katherine's small hand.

"Look, I just wanted to say sorry for today. You were probably scared and I just make him even more mad and then I got shot and I-,"

"Haizly, it's fine." She tells me with a small reasauring smile. It takes some weight off my chest but not all. I still feel pretty guilty for putting them in that position. But I'm the one who got shot, not them, so that's great right?

"Wanna go finish Gilmore Girls? Caleb is cooking something." She nods and stands up. She grabs Katherine and puts her on her hip.

After finishing two episodes of Gilmore Girl's, Caleb called us for dinner. It smells good and I didn't realize how hungry I was.

"What is it?" Eric asks as he takes a seat by Katherine. She's on the high chair and happily eating some cheerios that Hannah gave her.

"Pasta con pollo y arroz." Caleb answers as he sets a dish down in the middle of the table (pasta with chicken and rice).

"Ooh, it looks good." Eric says as be rubs his hands together.

"Yeah and it'd be nice if you helped even a little." Caleb jokingly sneers.

"No! Eric isn't allowed to cook." Hannah says with a shake of her head. Eric just grins and nods.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because the last time he tried cooking, he set the rag on fire and blamed it on my mom." Hannah replies and Caleb chuckles.

"Oh, man. That's a terrible lie. My mom is smarter than to burn a damn rag." Caleb laughs and I join him. Eric just gives him a glare before grabbing a plate and putting food on it. Caleb takes a seat next to me and we all start eating.

Eric and Hannah feed Katherine and I catch Caleb glancing at them once in a while. They talk to her in baby voices that makes her giggle. I look at Caleb again to see him playing with his food.

I haven't really touched my food. It just makes me upset. I actually told Valentino the reason why I don't want kids. I trusted him enough to tell him the most haunting secret of mine.

He told me Caleb would never do that. And I don't know why I'm so damn worried that Caleb will leave me. Caleb won't do that and I can feel it. He's the right one for me. He's so good with Katherine. He stares at her with adoration and it's like he's secretly begging me to give him a baby. Someone for him to teach him to play ball, or to help them with artistic stuff or whatever kids want help from their dad's.

All I wanted as a kid was dolls. And yeah sometimes I did get them but sometimes they'd tell me that I couldn't get it. It would upset me of course and I'd throw the hugest fit. But that's how kids learn to be disciplined

I don't really know what I should do at this point. I want a family with Caleb. Just not now. First comes marriage and then we'll move to the house. But with everything going on, it seems so impossible. It feels like I've been trapped in this nightmare for years when it's only been two weeks.

But it's a good thing I still have Caleb with me. In that case I don't have to be in this mess alone.

"You okay?" Caleb asks me. His hand goes under the table to grab mine and squeezes it. I give him a small smile and a nod. He doesn't seem convinced at all, but he won't ask any more questions because Hannah and Eric are here. 

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