chapter 14

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"You do realize that your not the only girl Caleb has been with over these three years, right?" Matilde says with a smirk. I put the paper down on my lap and smile.

"You delusional fuck." I laugh. "I get it, you're in love with my husband. But I know for a fact that he'll never go for a crusty hoe like you. I mean, really, do you brush your teeth with a dirty toothbrush or is that the coke?" She looks at me with her mouth gaped.

"Yeah, thought so." I smirk then get up from my chair.

"I'll be back soon, don't miss me too much." I smugly say. I get out of the room and up the stairs.

"Haizly, let's wath some TV." Hannah says with a huge smile.

I know I haven't been hanging out with her for these past days, but I don't want to die. I want to figure out how we can get Rafael off our backs. Valentino left and got a hotel room. The person that was outside of the house got caught and was placed downstairs in a room next to Matilde's. He says he works with some other mafia.

"Sure." I reply. I should just relax and do some school work like I was supposed to. We sit down on the couch and she turns on the TV. We ended up watching Gilmore Girls. It's a pretty good show, and Hannah seems to know every word to every episode.

We also ordered some pizza. But we got tired of watching Gilmore Girls so Hannah is asking Caleb if we could go to the mall.

"Please? We'll have Sean take us. Plus, there's nothing to do here." Hannah pouts at the end. Caleb looks up at me and I shrug. I do want to go, but it also depends on Caleb. This time I will follow rules because we have people trying to kill us. The last time it was so easy. I just shot Alessandro and that was it.

"What do you mean there's nothing to do here? There's a pool. There's a gym. There's even a room for your fashion shit." He says the last part to her. I have not worn a dress in so long. Caleb told me to quit MECS because I was too stressed. I mean I was but I didn't want to admit it.

"Caleb, the "fashion" room has nothing I like besides the makeup."

"Oh c'mon, Caleb. Please just let us go out." I beg him with my lip sticking out. He looks at me and sighs.

"Fine. But Sean, Snyder, George, and William will attend with you two. Do not leave their sides, tell them if you feel anything off. And bring me a Cinnabon." Hannah squeals.

"Good, let's go." I go over to Caleb and give him a kiss.

"You owe me." He tells me between our kisses.

"Pool?" I ask.

"Pool." He smirks. I bite my lip then get out of the room.

"Next time I'll use you for him to let us go out." I roll my eyes but nod anyway.

"Are you taking Katherine with us?" I ask her.

"And risk her life? Hell no. She's staying here with Eric." About Eric. I haven't seen him since he and Hannah first came. That was like days ago. I wonder what Caleb told Eric when they told us he doesn't really see his other kids. It just gets me so mad that he does that. Just because you have kids with another woman doesn't mean you can't see your other ones with that different woman. Why hasn't Hannah tried to get him to go see them?

I'll ask later.

"What do you think about this dress?" Hannah asks as she holds up a burgundy dress. It's pretty. It's long and has diamonds around the waist. The shoulders also have diamonds on it.

"It's pretty." I tell her.

"I know right." Even after a baby she hasn't changed.

She pays for the dress while we go to a different store. I lost her for at least two minutes but when I find her her arm is filled with different colored dresses.

"Hannah, you have an eye for fashion." It was more of an insult but I think she doesn't know.

"Thank you." She beams. "But these are for you." My eyes widen. No they're not. I don't even wear green, or blue, or pink, not even red. The colors don't suit me at all.

"Hannah, how about we look through some more." She raises an eyebrow.

"But you won't even look at the dresses! You'll probably start looking for jeans, that are ripped, and ugly." I roll my eyes. I have my own fashion and she has her own. The dresses she has are not pretty, but I guess I can look for some skirts.

I found two suedette skirts along with three more casual skirts. These are the only ones I'll wear. If it's an important thing where I have to wear a dress, then I'll wear one then, but not now.

Now we're walking to another store when a random guy comes up to me.

"You're Haizly Vasquez, right?" I furrow my brows.

"Why do you want to know?" He was about to pull something out of his pocket when I heard a gun click then shoot. I gasp and everything seems so fast. The guy in front of me falls, people are running around, and I'm just frozen.

Another one went off but I don't know who did it. Or where it went.

"Haizly!" Hannah yells at me. I look at her and see her teary eyes. I feel a shooting pain on my arm. When I look there's blood gushing out. It looks nasty.

Who did this? Who knew we were here? Did Rafael find us and is going to capture us? We only have four guys with us and Rafael probably brought his whole army.

"Haizly!" I hear a deep voice yell. I snapped out of it and saw Sean looking in my eyes. "We have to go! Come on!" I press the wound on my arm and hiss. Hannah and I follow Sean while William, Snyder, and George are shooting at specific places.

We run outside but Sean stops. Why is he stopping? We should run to the car and leave as soon as possible! The wound on my arm won't heal itself.

We should've listened to Caleb and not come here. This nightmare just doesn't want to end.

When I look around, Sean and I see a very familiar face. I haven't seen that person in over five years.

"Haizly." He says, his voice sending shivers up my spine. But not the good kind.


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