chapter 41

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"Why does your girlfriend have a piercing on her lip? And why do you have a lot of drawings on your arms and neck?" Vinny asks, putting a sticky finger on my tattoo.

I chuckled. "Well, I guess we both like them. She likes piercings and I like tattoos. But she has two tattoos, too." I say.

"How come I didn't see them on her arms like yours?" He asks.

"Because people can choose where they want to put it. Like me, my first tattoo was a feather on my chest. It's big. And Haizly got an infinity first on her wrist." Vinny nods, then looks back at the bookshelf.

"Can I take a book to read?" He asks and I look over at Haizly's collection.

"Ask Haizly, but don't be sad if she says no. That's just how she is."


"You do ask a lot of questions, don't you?" I say and he shrugs.

"Caleb! I need your help!" I hear Haiz yell out to me. I frowned and stood up and said I would be back to Vinny. When I entered the kitchen I see Haizly mixing something that was boiling in the pan.

"I can't stop mixing this and Michelle and Karmen are busy. I just need you to open two cans of corn and pour it in, then cut three jalapeños and put it in the soup then the corn add in the rice." Abd from there she kept going on about what I needed to do and I honestly forgot what she said about the corn and the adding it to where.

"You took forever." Vinny says to me when I sit down on the table with him, groaning.

"I didn't know how exhausting it was to follow a recipe." Vinny chuckles lightly, a dimple forming on his right cheek. He's lighter than his brother and sister, and he also has sandy blonde hair, and he also has colored eyes. Don't know who the fuck his dad is, but the man must have really good genes.

"Your girlfriend is pretty." Vinny says, making my head snap in his direction.

"What are you saying? She's mine." His cheeks blush and he looks at Haiz then at the table.

"Do you think I could have a girlfriend like Haizly?" He asks. "Mom told me I couldn't." I frowned and leaned over to him.

"What do you mean?" Are they talking bad about Haizly? Because Haiz hasn't done anything to them for them to talk bad.

"She just said I couldn't have bad girls. But she didn't mean it in a bad way, she just said no because then she'd break me because I'm too nice." I nod with furrowed brows. I look up at Haizly and see her mixing the soup still, looking bored.

"But mom bought her presents, so that means she likes her." Vin says again then goes back to skimming a book he found on the shelf. Haizly looks bored and I'm sure my mom made her help with the cooking.

After dinner, the kids opened their presents. They seemed pretty happy about what they got, but if they so much as throw a fit for not getting what they wanted, I have a closet by the washer and Haizly always keeps a clown in there for Halloween decor. She actually scared a child with that clown and everyday for school that little girl would run by our apartment and Haiz would always wait for the girl to pass then laugh. I don't know how she gets pleasure for scaring kids, but it's cute to watch.

Kayden came after dinner, saying something about some chick he spent the day with. I didn't care so I tuned him out, plus Vinny was talking to me.

My mom bought me one present and it was pants with a black shirt. Michelle got me a shirt that has a logo and, yeah I do like it, but I don't know what the logo means nor do I want to know. But I'll wear it for her sake.

My mom got Haiz a black long dress with pink and white flowers on it, and I'm sure Haiz likes it. I know when she doesn't like something. Her fashion changed a lot these years, but she looks beautiful in both fashion.

Michelle got Haiz a beige knitted sweater and I know Haiz loves it.

Now it was time for Haiz to open my present. She grabs the small box and undoes the ribbon I tried so hard to make right. I watch closely as she unwraps it and when she does, she opens the box, a look of shock written on her face. She looks up at me then wraps her arms around me. My mom and Michelle look at us in awe and I just hug Haizly a little more tightly than how she's hugging me.

When we pull apart, she grabs the charm bracelet from the small box and shows it to my mom and Michelle.

"Oh my god, Mijo that's beautiful." My mom says to me, inspecting the bracelet as does Michelle.

"Caleb, I love, thanks." Haizly wraps her arms around me once more and gives me a kiss when nobody is looking.

"I knew you'd love it." I reply.

"Yeah, I do. Anything you buy me I'll love." Then an idea crossed in my mind and I smirked.

When everyone left, Haizly and I cleaned up and headed to bed.

"I have something for you." Haiz tells me, looking up at me as he head lays on my chest.

"Yeah? What's that?" I ask with a smirk. She leans on her elbows and kisses my lips.

"Was that it? Because I think I'm not pleased enough." She rolls her eyes and swats at my chest lightly, making me chuckle. She gets up from the bed and goes into the top drawer where we keep jewelry, guns, and stuff we practically don't use anymore.

She opens it and hides it behind her back, walking to me slowly. I just keep a smile on my face as she walks closer to me. When she pulls her hand out from behind her back, she points a gun at me, all loaded and ready for the trigger to be pulled.

Then bam!

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