chapter 7

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"You remember the plan, right?" Caleb asks me as he looks me in the eyes. His show fear and anger mixed together. His hands move up to my cheeks and I lean into them, wanting to stay here forever with him and not have to worry about the real world.

"Yeah, I do." He kisses my lips softly then pulls away.

"Please, be careful. She may be armed so whenever you see that she might pull out something just shoot her. It's soundproof." I nod. This is why Caleb has been making me train everyday. I could never sit down without my muscles on my ass feeling like they're going to explode.

"It's time." We hear Valentino say from behind us. Caleb gives me one more kiss before letting my face go. He walks over to Valentino while I stand here. My nerves are a wrecking mess, but I'm the badass here! I was never afraid of anything or anyone. But this is the mafia, a thing that people do to kill each other and just become powerful.

"Haizly, Caleb will meet you out back, got it?" Valentino says and I nod. I put the huge sunglasses on and grab the huge bag and rest it on my arm. It's a good thing I've walked in heels for a year since I did work at MECS.

I continue walking to the front, where men are armed and keeping an eye out outside. They see me walking towards them and I make sure to flip my black wig to the side. Valentino hired some dresser and hairstylist. I chose the heavy coat because since I'm too thin, you can see the weapons from under my shirt. I hate being skinny.

"Ma'am, we have to check you before you go in." One guy says to me. I take off my sunglasses to look at him properly.

"I am here to visit my grandmother." Valentino also taught me how to have a fake British accent. So that's what I am doing now.

"Still, we have to check you." I sigh and put my glasses back on.

"Then do so," he looks at the guys who hold his gun and then he starts checking me. I hope he doesn't see the damn guns underneath this heavy coat. My palms are sweaty and my heart is racing. His hands go up to my waist and I freeze.

"She's clear." He said to them and they nod. I look at the guy who searched me and glared at him. I will make sure this motherfucker wi-

"Ma'am, you may go in now." The guy that searched me said. I blinked out of it and nodded.

"Thank you, sir." I say in my fake British accent, but I think it sounds real.

I walk in the building casually but once I'm inside I speed walk to the stairs. I run up and try to the find the middle numbers for the twenties. It's creepy in here and it also smells a little weird. I continue to walk and I finally found number twenty. I just need to find twenty- seven and I'm close.

When I find it there were some talking behind the door. The knob jiggles and I gasp. I hide by the side of the door and wait for her to come out. Who is in there with her? I thought Valentino said she lived alone? Did Valentino lie to me? Or what if it's Rafael with her? What am I supposed to do? They'll gain up on me both and I won't handle them both.

She comes out with the phone pressed to her ear and I sigh in relief. She locks her door and that's when she sees me. Her phone falls to the floor and a shriek comes out of her ugly fake lips.

"Haizly! What the h-," before she could speak I grab the gun from my pants and slam it to her head. That wasn't part of the plan but she freaked me out. Why didn't Valentino do this instead? The guys down there know him and not just that but he could've handled her.

The slam to the head didn't knock her out but it made her feel a little dizzy. Great, that's what I need. She's heavy and it'd be hard to drag her ass down the stairs. It'd be great to have her slam on the stairs for being such a bitch and trying to kill me and Caleb.

"What the hell are you doing, you bitch?" She says as she holds her hand to hear bleeding head. I smirk.

"What the hell does it look like?" I say in a 'duh' tone. I grab her arm and yank her down the hall. I point the gun to her side.

"Scream and I will make sure I'll shoot you and make you suffer by dying slowly and painfully." She laughs.

"The guys outside will hear you and they'll come rushing in and get your ass." She seethes and I smirk wider.

"I'm smart, Matilde. This gun is soundproof." She gulps and that's when I know she's scared and I got her. We walk down the stairs, the gun still pressing on her side. We walk the other way to the back.

"My brother will find you and kill you and your husband." She says before we reach the door. "And I'm surprised your husband hasn't even told you about his affair with me in Brazil." She laughs. I know she's lying, she's just trying to get to me so I will let her go. But Caleb isn't like that, he won't cheat on me. He'd even tell me of he did.

"Listen you whore, stop putting things in my head. Your just jealous he loves me and not someone like you." I see the door and I rush over there. I open the door and push her out, then I see Caleb with the car. Valentino gets in, grabs my gun and hits her in the head roughly. I smirk when I see her blacked out.

I just hate her.

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