chapter 45

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"I'm going to visit Karen today," I tell Caleb. He looks up from the newspaper he's been reading for the past hour. He keeps scanning the page over and over again and puffing. He won't tell me what it's about but I can tell it's bugging him.

"Okay. Make sure Sean stays by your side at all times, babe." I frown. He just called me babe. He never does. I mean, sometimes he does but that's rarely. He looks at my confused face. "Was it the word 'babe'?" He asks and I nod.

"Don't worry, it felt good." It did. Butterflies in my stomach were flying around like crazy because of how he made it sound.

"I'll be back." I say then leave. I really want to know what was on the newspaper.

"Why are you here?" Karen asks with her eyes narrowing at me. I sigh and pace in front of her.

"You know, that's what my dad asked me when I went to go visit him at the hospital." She looks up at me in confusion. It was slefish of me to not warn her about my dad's death, but I had to keep him with us. My grandma hasn't seen him in years and I wanted this moment for her. I didn't want Karen to ruin everything like she has over the years.

"What do you mean? What happened to him?" She yells. She tries to wriggle out of the chair but it's stronger than her.

"Don't try to get out." I tell her. "But my dad passed away." She stops moving and she looks at me. Her eyes are wide, like she doesnt want to believe me.

"Don't call him your dad. He was never your dad!" She yells at me. Her eyes welled up with tears. One question that I'm asking myself is, did she really love him?

"No! I will call him whatever the fuck I want to call him! He is my dad! You just trapped him with you because you were afraid you'd never be loved!" I yell back. My blood is boiling and I'm sure I looked like a tomato.

"If he was your dad then why did he leave?" She is testing me. And I am so fucking tired of her. I just want to strangle her bitch ass.

"Are you seriously asking me this question?" She nods and leans back on the chair. It's giving her the satisfaction that I am getting angry. But I have anger issues so obviously I'm gonna be pissed and blow up.

"One; because you made him, somehow, abandon us to be with you. All because you were alone. Second; you got yourself pregnant, by another man, to keep him for yourself. I mean, is that baby even his? Because I can go over to your mother's place and get his blood." I shrug.

"Don't go near my kids!" She yells. I smirk. It's great that I've gotten under her skin.

"But I already have. Let me tell you, they look nothing like how I remembered them." I pace around her chair. I haven't seen none of those kids in years. The last time I saw them was my sophomore year of high school. They were still so small and they didn't know who I was. I blew up on my dad in front of them and Karen and her daughter tried to separate me from him.

But I pushed them away and told them to leave us the fuck alone. I yelled at my father some more until security came out. I wanted to punch all of them so bad.

"You sick bitch! Por qué tu madre nunca te enseñó cómo ser una niña grande?" I stand in front of her, putting my hands on either side of the handrests.

"Don't ever talk about my mom! She taught me everything I needed to know. And being an evil homewrecker wasn't one."

"I wasn't a homewrecker! Your father chose me out of all of you!" She groans. Spit slapped my cheek and my eye. I felt a hand tap on my shoulder and when I turn Sean is there with a napkin. I grabbed it from him and wiped my face.

This is fucking nasty! This slut could have some disease from being her and she could spread it on me. And not just that but I am a complete germaphobic.

When I have it all wiped off of my face, I look her in the eyes and smirk.

"You're gonna wish you never fucked with me." She had a smirk on her face, like she wasn't afraid of me. But she should. Who knows what I could be capable of? I don't even know myself.

"Sean, can you bring up the weapons, please?" I ask, not taking my eyes off this bitch. I hear his footsteps leave the room and I stand up.

"You know, I was going to let you leave today, but now I'm rethinking it."

"Let me go! Just fucking let me go! I have kids of my own I need to raise!" She kicks at me but I step away.

She has kids to raise? My father had me, Cara, and Josh! Not just that but he had two more kids with different women. He hasn't seen them in years and she broke everything off between us. He had kids to raise, to feed, to watch over and watch as we grew up and became the people we were supposed to be.

But she ruined everything.

Guys came in after Sean and they all stood in front of Karen. She looked terrified that these huge men were here in front of her. I smirk and stand in front of her.

"I will make you hurt in every pain possible. And then maybe, if your being nice, I'll let you leave. But that's if you survive." I smirk and get in her face. "You deserve pain." I whisper roughly in her ear. I stand up and step aide so the boys can do some damage. And I just stand aise and watch as they hit her and shock her.

But it doesn't give me the satisfaction.

i promise you guys, these chapters will get better, i promise.
-n <3

All I WantedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora