chapter 32

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I think through of what happened that week. And how it made me terrified of the future for the both of us. Of course there'd be more damage and more death. But if I really love Caleb, then I'd go through this with him. Caleb ended up taking Rafael to the building he works at. As well as Matilde and Karen. In separate rooms, of course. I haven't heard anything from my dad yet, but I know he isn't doing well. I was thinking on visiting him, but I know it wouldn't be a good idea right now. Caleb and I text everyday, but he also knows when not to message me. I am still thinking.

I did go back to school. It was just one week and I tried finishing up some assignments from the week before. And right now, I am with Kayden finishing up my last assignment.

"And, done." I say as I set the pen down and close my computer. Kayden smiles at me and finishes up his coffee then sets it down on the table.

"Great, now we can graduate together." I furrow my brows.

"You're graduating with me?" I ask with a small smile.

"Yeah, I am." He chuckles. "I didn't tell you but that's because you were in Canada." I have not told Kayden anything that happened in Canada. He does know who Matilde is since I told him about Caleb. I just feel that if I tell him about the war then he would run away from me like he did last time. And Kayden and I are too close that I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship.

"Oh, right." I chuckle lightly. "Well that's awesome, then you won't have to be stuck with the teacher who has a crush on you." He cringes and I giggle. I would understand why the teacher would like Kayden, but Kayden is like an innocent human being. He blushes every time I say someone is checking him out.

"Do not remind me of that." He groans lightly.

"Do you think you'd ever date her, though?" I ask randomly. It's just a simple question.

"She's pretty and nice, but no. I don't think so. She's older than me." I fake a loud laugh.

"Oh please, you probably imagine yourself with an older woman to teach you right in bed-," he puts his hand over my mouth, his cheeks bright pink. I giggle and he sits back down across from me. "Sorry, but I know you've thought about it." He shakes his head in disapproval.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. How about we go to yours and watch a movie or something?" He suggests and I nod. I grab my computer and notebook and put them in my backpack. I never knew how useful backpacks were until now. I never brought anything to school with me besides a pencil. I would always get scolded for that from teachers. But it's not like I cared. But this is college and I have to have my things everywhere with me.

We leave the shop after paying and we headed to my apartment. When we enter it's so quiet and dark. It's hardly ever dark in here so it's weird. We set our things down on the couch by the door and we continue our way to the kitchen.

"So, have you and Caleb hung out since the incident?" Kayden asks as he sits down on the stool on the island. I go into the fridge to grab the leftover food I made last night.

"No. But we still text." I tell him. I set the plates on the island and grab the pans I cooked them in last night. Of course I washed them that night before I put the food away. When I was younger my mom would always make us wash dishes when we would take out the leftover food. It annoyed me but at least the kitchen would stay clean.

"But, you do still want to be with him, right?" He asks lowly. I stop what I'm doing to look at him.

"Of course. I love him so much that I literally can't see my life without him." He looks at me with a small smile. He stands up from the stool and stands next to me.

"He came to my house last night and started yelling." I frown. Why would Caleb go to Kayden's and yell? What was he doing? Was he drunk? He tends to do this when he's drunk. I hope he didn't try and pick a fight or something.

"What-why?" I stutter.

"He was yelling that he fucked up and that he wished he would just be by your side. He even drank a whole viniq bottle by himself. But I talked to him and told him that you'd never leave him. Now I hoped you wouldn't so I just had to ask."

My heart warmed up at that. But I just don't like that he was yelling and drinking. I do like that he went to Kayden to rant. Caleb has always been jealous of Kayden but now he shows up at his place to talk about me. Me.

"Is he okay? Did he sleep at yours?" I ask him. He nods and tells me that he slept in the guest room. After that we continue talking about his mom and how his little sister doesn't want to leave her father's house. I feel like Michelle doesn't try at all to get her out of the house. Kayden thinks his little sister, Vicky, doesn't like her relationship with Karmen. I mean I would understand why. I was like that at first with my mom and my step dad.

But her other two kids are perfectly fine going home and going to visit their dad sometimes.

She's still little so she doesn't really understand.

"Maybe if she hangs out more with your mom then she'll realize that it's fair to be with both and not just one." I tell him as I grab a grape and pop it in my mouth.

"She will scream her lungs out at one of us if we mention to her that she's going back with my mom." Kayden rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed.

"Before my dad left, all I wanted was to be with my dad. Even if he treated us poorly. But my mom made me realize that she was the mom and that it made her upset that I kept choosing that asshat over her. So it made me feel bad and I stayed with her more." I would do anything to go back in time just so I could hurt my dad. I wish I could've done something in order for him to get in trouble.

When he would take us to the store I could've yelled "he doesn't feed us! I don't know him" but then again, I was little. I didn't know what to do.

"I'll try something," he tells me and I nod. I just hope Vicky realizes that her dad isn't the only parent.

But this just makes me miss my mom even more. I wish I hadn't stopped talking to her. But I was just so angry. Drake and her will have a better life. One I could never have.

I wish things were different.

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