chapter 37

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I look out the window and wait for him to wake up. I pressed too hard on his wound that he passed out from the pain. He's been asleep for two hours and I hope I get to speak to him again before he leaves.

He groans and I turn my head towards him. He starts coughing then after a while he looks around the room. His eyes land on me before rolling his eyes.

"I thought you would have left?" His voice is almost fading.

"And leave you alone to die? No." I chuckle sharply. "I want to watch." Even if it kills a small part of me. The doctor then comes in with the needles that I asked for. I want to do a DNA test before he goes. And I know it takes a while to see the results, I'd still show him from his grave.

The doctor goes over to him to put the needle in but he moves away.

"Get that shit away from me!" He yells.

I walk over to his side and quickly grab him, laying him back down and nod at the doctor.

"You deserve to rot in hell." I whisper to him. The doctor finishes up and she gets some of mine.

"The test might take two weeks or even three days. But we'll call you." I nodded as I wrap the bandage on my arm.

"Sit down." He tells me. I tilt my head as I stare at his weaken state. I bite my lip and take a seat on the chair I was sitting in before. He turns his body fully on mine. "Before I go, can you please tell my mom I love her? And my kids? I want them to be safe and away from this life. I don't want them knowing anything about what I've done. And Josh and Cara, I do love them too." I lean back on my chair and watch as he struggles to talk.

"I am so sorry for what I did-,"

"Just shut up. You don't feel sorry at all, you're just scared to die." He looks at me. I know I'm right. That's not what he was saying before he passed out.

"Scared to die?" He 'pffs' and rolls his eyes. "That is what happens when you enter this life." I shrug.

"It just runs in the blood."

"I knew you'd be trouble." He laughs. "From the very first moment when you started walking and trying to kill the cats in the box." I furrow my brows. I never once tried to kill one of them. Never. If I would've tried to kill one then I'd remember.

"You're pathetic. I never tried killing any cat."

"Yes you did. You hated cats with a passion. Ask your mother, I'm sure she knows." He's lying. He just wants to get under my skin and make me believe everything he's telling me.

I don't like cats, but I don't hate them where I have to kill them. They're tiny animals with feelings and I'd never hurt them.

"Well then I guess it's a good thing I'm here, right? In that way you won't have to die naturally. I'll just kill you with either the pillow or my own fist. Now that I couldn't actually kill the cat." He looks at me with anger and hatred. Something I am used to.

"But I'll be nice and watch you die from here." Then we stay quiet for a while. There was a knock and the door opened before Adrian or me would tell them to come in. I saw my grandma and my aunt and uncle trailing behind her. They saw me and shock was evident in their eyes. I made sure the doctor called them, too.

"Mija, que aces aqui?" My grandma asks softly, never breaking eye contact with me. Not even to set her bag down on the chair. (What are you doing here?)

"Uh, the doctor called me." I say as I scratch the back of my head nervously. She nods and walks over to Adrian while both my aunt and uncle stare at me.

"Where have you been?" My aunt asks first. I can tell my uncle was wondering the same thing. He and I were only close when my dad was still in our lives. We would watch movies together, pull pranks on people, up until my dad left. Ever since then he hasn't bothered to call to check up on us, nor has he been close with me ever since. Just Cara, because she's the favorite for them.

So yeah, I am pissed that they only like her and that they left us like my dad.

"Around." I answer with a raised brow.

"I seriously don't know why they called her." My aunt mutters to my uncle. But little do they know I can hear them. I didn't say anything since my grandma and dad were having a moment. So instead I left the room. I don't want to be anywhere near them.

"Your dad wants to see you." My aunt says as she fiddles with her fingers. I stand from the chair and walk over to the door.

"He's not my dad." I say to her face before I enter the room. More of my dad's family started showing up and they spoke to him. Cara and Josh included. I didn't see my mom but I know she's here somewhere, I heard my grandma tell her the directions. And honestly, I don't want to see her.

I enter the room and see that he adjusted the bed to make him sit up a little. He was staring out the window and I could hear his breathing from where I'm standing.

He seemed to be thinking because he bit the inside of his cheek and furrowing his eyebrows. He has always done that. And everyone can tell when he's mad. He'd have his eyebrow raised and wouldn't talk to anyone. If you walked in a room you'd feel the tension right away, and he scared me. Oh did he scare the living crap out of me. But I sometimes while he was mad he'd joke with me and Josh since Cara was in that teenage "don't talk to me, I'm too cool" phase.

Then he turned his head towards me.

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