chapter 83

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I called Kayden and asked him if he was free right now, which he was. So I asked him to come over and bring some of his painting supplies. He said he'd be here quickly. I have to go back to the club so Eric and I can redecorate the place. I still don't like how Martin decorated it. It just doesn't look that good in my perspective.

"Baby, I have to go take care of something. Kayden is on his way." She smiles and nods. She's eating ice cream, that Sean had to go get, and the dogs are on the couch sleeping or just looking around the living room.

Haizly really did a good job with the living room. I like how it turned out.

"Okay. Just don't come home too late." She tells me. I kiss her forehead.

"No promises." I say to her then give he one last kiss. I walk away from her and to the door. Right when I opened the door Kayden was there with a suitcase. I sure hope it's his painting supplies and not clothes.

"She's in the living room." I tell him. "Eh, be careful with her, she's fragile right now."

"Like I don't know, Caleb. I was with her at the hospital." I frowned. They hang out too much.

"Well, keep her distracted. Don't even let her mention her aunt or how she treated the dogs. Also, the dogs get excited with new people, they both almost jumped Eric and I at the hospital." He chuckled.

"Yeah, Haizly almost tripped on her own feet the last time we went to the hospital." I shake my head.

"Just keep an eye on her. Sean will be in there as well, just to keep an eye on her." He frowns.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to go take care of something." I sighed.

"Something more important than your wife needing you right now?"

"Mind your own business. Now keep her distracted, I'll be back." I walk past him and into my car. He mumbles something under his breath so I stop and turn to him.

"What was that?" I ask. He looks at me, an annoyed look on his face.

"I said "you clearly don't even care about Haizly if you're running out on her". That's what I said." He turns back around but I walk up the steps to grab him but Haizly shows up on the doorway. I stop myself and she looks at the both of us.

"Seriously? You guys are fighting? Act like grown-ups for once." She blows out a breath and crosses her arms over her chest. Maybe I should've called Hannah, but Hannah only talks about boys and makeup, she wouldn't be a great distraction for Haizly. Even though right now I don't want Kayden near Haizly, he's the only one I can trust right now to get things off her mind.

"Fine. I'll be back." I say, annoyed. I turn around and walk over to my car.

"I love you!" Haizly yells. I turn to look at her, a smile on my face.

"I love you." I reply. My heart flutters and I don't think I'll ever get used to the feeling. Her just being her makes me feel like a fucking girly man, acting all squim-ish because she said something.

I shake the thought away and get in my car. Snyder following behind. Once at the club, I hear Eric yelling at someone about the directions on the paper.

"Hey, hey, what's going on?" I asked.

"This son of a bitch thinks you and I didn't agree on this plan." I sighed and grabbed the paper. I looked at it then at the man in front of me.

"Everything in here is correct. Tell your men to start building and decorating. I want this place up and running by Saturday." I say then hand him the paper.

"These guys must really think I'm just a fucking side bitch," Eric says. "No offense." He says to Snyder and George. They shrug and continue to drink whatever it is in their cups.

I sighed and walked to the bar.

"Give me a lemon vodka with three ice. No slices." I tell the bartender. He nods and grabs whatever he needs for the drink.

"So what's up with Haizly?" Eric asks. I sighed and thanked the bartender when he hands me the drink.

"I mean, right now she seemed alright. She was watching Gilmore Girls. I asked Kayden to come by the house to keep her distracted for the night until I am here and doing business. I just feel really bad for her and her family. Her grandma already lost two children. That must feel pretty painful for her." Eric sighed.

"I'm sorry, man. I hope she gets better." I nodded then took a sip of my drink. The cold beverage running down my throat as I swallowed.

"Yeah, me too." I sighed. "But I know she'll get through this. She always does." He nods.

"Cheer up, let's go yell at the boys, yeah?" He asks but before I could reply, he takes off to the stairs to talk to the guys remodeling this place. I continued to drink my beverage and watched as guys around me worked on the walls, the ceiling, the stairs, and much more. I asked for a stage so I can have people perform.

I saw it in a movie once where they had singers perform, famous as well, and they get paid a good fair of money just for singing at a club.

I just want Haizly to get better so she can enjoy herself here. Our new club. She can do as she pleases while being here.

I walk over to where Snyder and George are sitting and sat down.

"Eric is excited for this." Snyder tells me. I nodded.

"Yeah, he is. It was a good idea to partner up with him." I sighed. "Plus, right now I'm getting a break. He can handle the themes." Snyder and George chuckle.

Here's the second part :))
Hope you enjoyed.

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