chapter 74

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"Sir, the plane is ready." Will says as he comes in my office. I nod at him then collect my papers from my desk, put them in a pile then put them in my drawer then locked it. I don't want anyone snooping through these papers. At all. They're much more important than the papers I keep for the house.

I get out of my office. "Sean, you and George will accompany Haizly to the hospital. She sent me a text saying her aunt is sick so she has to see her there. Please keep an eye on her everywhere she goes. I don't want to come back and see that she's been beat up, or been kidnapped, or anything bad. Got it?" I ask and they both nod. I sigh and rub a hand through my eyes. This is going to be a long night.

I told Haizly would be gone, but just for one night. Hopefully.

The Russians have came back and asked for another meeting, this time where they are, which is Saint Petersburg, Russia. I don't know what they want, but I'm sure it's going to be about how they started building their own business and want more guidance.

I also have a whole plan of this whole business meeting goes wrong.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out, expecting it to be Haizly but it was Brianna.

I heard you were going to Russia for business. Mind if I come?

I frowned. Brianna and I haven't been in the same business since I was sixteen. When all this first started. She was with Cameron at the time, until she dumped him and decided to marry a rich man. She wasn't the best sometimes.

What's in it for you?

Back then I usually would've taken her with me, but we haven't been in contact for almost six years and I get a little paranoid.

Closure like we used to have before.

I guess I could use some help from her.

Fine. But you will not be a controlling freak.

Ah, you remember. Great. Well, I'll meet you at the airport.

I sigh and lock my phone and put it back in my pocket.


I walk in the room, feeling everyone's eyes on me. I see my grandma, my aunt's and uncles. All looking at me in shock, as if they thought I wouldn't show.

"Haizly, you're here." My grandma says as she gets up from the chair that's by the window. She grabs my hand and pulls me further into the room. That's when I see Anna on the bed. She's sleeping, her heart monitor is on, there are things connected to her hands which reminds me of that one time when she told me she hated needles.

Her biggest fear.

"Yeah, of course I'm here." I reply with a frown. "How is she?" I ask.

"Not good, mija. Go greet your tios." I nod then turn around awkwardly to face my uncle.

"How are you?" He asks, a smile on his face as he gets up from the chair to hug me. I hugged him back, a small smile on my face. I truly missed them so much. We had fun together when I was much more little.

"I'm alright. How's your daughter?" I ask him when we part.

"She's doing fine. She just entered Kindergarten this year. Oh how they grow up so fast." He looks at the wall as if to imagine his daughter being there. His eyes are full of adoration and I like seeing him like this. Happy.

"Yes, they do." I chuckle.

"I mean, you're already married. I remember the first time I held you and the time your dad told us your mom was going into labor. Cara was nervous but when she saw you, let me tell you, she was one jealous sister." I chuckled.

"I bet. I mean she was used to being an only child for like, four years." He nods.

"I can't believe she cut your hair and tried to put it back with lotion." He laughs, which makes me laugh and the whole room laugh.

"I know. And it's crazy too how my mom didn't get mad at her. If I were to ever do that to Drake, she'd had my ass." My eyes widen in shock at what I just said. I looked at my grandma and she has her mouth opened. My grandma hates when we curse in front of her, it's rude, that's what she says.

I say a low sorry and my uncle chuckles at my face. I went around and continued greeting my uncle's and aunts.


Brianna is seated in front of me, she has a magazine of some sort and her legs are crossed. Every now and then she'd accidentally brush her leg against mine and say sorry. I excused it, but it just feels weird her doing it.

Other girls when they touch me feels weird. It doesn't send that spark that Haizly has when she's near me. She doesn't even have to touch me to make me feel squirmy and so fucking in love.

"Caleb, how are you and Haizly?" Brianna asks when she sets down the magazine on the table between us.

"We're doing great. Why?" I ask with a furrowed look. She shrugs and leans her arm on the other seat.

"Just wanted to know how your marriage is going." She pauses. "Don't you think it was a little too soon for you two to get married?" She sounds serious but her face has a small smirk. She look out the window and I sigh.

"That is none of your business." I say then sit up. "I don't care what you have in mind about my marriage, but don't try anything. I will have your life in my hands if you try and mess something up." She giggles.

"Chill Caleb, it was just a question." I sigh and lean my back on the seat. "I think you and Haizly are nice together. But, who was the guy at the party with her? They both seemed a little too close to be just friends." I nod.

"Hmm, just keep your mouth shut before I open the door and make you jump so I won't have to deal with your ass." She stays quiet after that, but the smile never left her face. She gets me so mad. Why did I think this would be a good idea? She has always been annoying and manipulative. But now I know when someone is manipulating.

Sorry for any misspelled words, my computer doesn't really do the autocorrect. Which sucks, but I'll fix that.

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