chapter 4

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Alex's POV

"YOU ALMOST DID WHAT?!" I yell at Luke, not in an aggressive way but just enough to portray my surprise. "You heard me. I almost kissed Julie. Then this dumbass called and it ruined our moment" Luke says gesturing to Reggie. Reggie furrows his brow at Luke. 

He sighs "It's a long story we had a weird encounter with a lifer. Anyways..." (You don't need a recap of what happened, you read it) 

"Woah" Is all I can get out of my mouth at the moment. "Yeah Woah indeed," Reggie says, he's slumped on the couch after tiring himself out from jumping.

 "So a lifer could see you guys, what were you doing before she saw you guys," I ask "I was holding Julie's hands and we were just kinda talking when that woman cut us off," Luke says shrugging. 


Reggie is their biggest shipper. Willie told me the word shipper means when someone thinks 2 people or characters would be cute together. "Calm down Reg it was nothing" Luke chuckles. (Aren't we all Reggie deep down lol)

"Hey guys" We hear a female voice come in, Julie. "Hey, Jules," Luke says jumping, turning around to face Julie. "What were you guys talking about?" She asks us. "Puppies" "Nothing" "The Band" all three of us blurt something out.

"Ok so you guys are being sus, whats going on?" Julie furrows her brow and places her hands on her hips, shifting her weight to one foot. "I'm gonna assume the word sus is a Gen Z thing because I have no idea what you mean," Luke says looking confused. 

"Just answer the initial question, what are you guys hiding?" She asks, Julie has this way of getting information out of us, mostly Reggie. That kid can't keep a secret to save his life. 

"We were just talking about high school, reminiscing on the good old days" Luke saves us by saying. 

"Yeah, so when we said puppies, nothing and the band we just mentioned something different about what we were talking about" I try to help save us.

 "So like we wanted to get a puppy for the studio, make it the band mascot. The puppy never got a name so we've just been calling him Nothing" Reggie tries to help. I give him a 'seriously' look as that probably made our lie less believable

"Yeah right," Julie says under her breath "Anyways arent we rehearsing today?" She asks us. "YES LETS DO THIS!" Reggie exclaims enthusiastically.

Luke's Pov

(Also wanted to add in because Season 2 hasn't been announced I will be reusing the songs from the first season, just FYI)

It's been a few hours of rehearsing, Julie had to take a break to eat dinner and rest her voice for a while though. 

"Any requests for our next song," I ask into the empty couch in front of us as if we were doing a gig. "Edge of Great," I say in a high pitch voice "You got it," I say back to myself. This gets a laugh out of Julie, gosh even her laugh is adorable.

-it's obvious" Julie and I finish Edge of Great after we perfectly played it, no flaws.

"Luke are you ok?" Reggie asks me, everyone is giving me concerned looks. "Uh yeah why, we just killed that performance, whats going on guys" I reply 

"Well, you kinda stopped playing at one point, during the bridge" Alex chimed in. 

I stopped? Shit I was just staring at Julie at that point wasn't I? Shit.

 "Good news is that your little stunt didn't throw us off, you sure your good?" Julie asks, getting up from her keyboard. 

She walks over to me and reaches for my hands but I pull away before she could. "Im fine ok, just" I pause for a second "I just need a minute," I say poofing out.

Julie's Pov

My mouth just hangs open.

What just happened?

Luke is never like that. I pause to think then realize "What were you guys really talking about when I walked in?" I question them. Alex and Reggie's exchange looks. 

Reggie looks like he is struggling to not say something and Alex is giving him a death stare. "Reggie. You can tell me anything you know" I say trying to get information out of him. Almost as if something snaps in him he groans 

"OK! He's feeling hurt because you told that old woman that you weren't together. Then he was going to kiss you but then I called and took away your little moment together" Reggie spits out. Alex's death stare intensifies. 

I take a second to process what Reggie just said "That's what he was doing, he was gonna kiss me, wow" I say in complete shock.

 Alex gets up and hits Reggie in the back of the head, Reggie lets out a little "ouch"  "Reggie wasn't supposed to tell you that" Alex mentions

Then I look at my watch and see the time, 11:44 pm

"Shit I need to head to bed, um I got to go. Just tell Luke I'm looking for him and we should talk when he gets back," I say running out of the studio, "Love you guys, goodnight" I yell out to them.

I head into my room and get changed into an oversized white tank top that says 'Rush' on it in big yellow letters and some black biker shorts. I slip into bed and play some among us on my phone before heading to bed. 


This is gonna sound repeated but if your enjoying this and have an idea for the next chapter or just ideas in general please let me know. I have so many ideas but no idea how to execute them or what order to do them. Also, keep an eye out for some WIllex content, also are you guys fans of Flynn and Reggie's ship cause I don't know how I feel about it Ahah, but if you guys ship it I will 1000% include some of them. 

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